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Death Valley National Park
Pupfish at Salt Creek are easily viewed during the springtime mating season.

  • amargosa pupfish
    Cyprinodon nevadensis amargosa
    Found in the Amargosa River northwest of Saratoga Springs.
  • saratoga pupfish
    Cyprinodon nevadensis nevadensis
    Found at Saratoga Springs at the south end of Death Valley.
  • Devils Hole pupfish
    Cyprinodon diabolis
    (endangered species)
    Found in Devils Hole, 37 miles east of Furnace Creek, in western Nevada.
  • Salt Creek pupfish
    Cyprinodon salinus salinus
    Found in Salt Creek in the central part of Death Valley.
  • Cottonball Marsh pupfish
    Cyprinodon salinus milleri
    (threatened species)
    Found in Cottonball Marsh on the west side of central Death Valley.
  • western mosquitofish
    Gambusia affinis
    (invasive species)
    Introduced into Furnace Creek irrigation ditches and ponds.
Desert Five Spot  

Did You Know?
Death Valley is home to more than 1000 species of plants and more than 50 of those are endemics, found nowhere else in the world.

Last Updated: July 05, 2008 at 18:11 EST