NIPA Archive for August 30, 2007

You have accessed an archive of NIPA tables that were initially published on August 30, 2007 in connection with the "preliminary" estimate for 2007 Q2.

Please select a section of tables. (All files are in Microsoft Excel format.)

          Section 1 Domestic Product and Income (8.7 MB)
          Section 2 Personal Income and Outlays (3.5 MB)
          Section 3 Government Current Receipts and Expenditures (5.8 MB)
          Section 4 Foreign Transactions (1.7 MB)
          Section 5 Saving and Investment (4 MB)
          Section 6 Income and Employment by Industry (2.8 MB)
          Section 7 Supplemental Tables (2.3 MB)
          Section 8 Seasonally Unadjusted Estimates (0.4 MB)

          Underlying Detail

          Section 0 Real Inventories and Sales (6.2 MB)
          Section 2 Personal Consumption Expenditures (18.3 MB)
          Section 3 Government Current Receipts and Expenditures (0.5 MB)
          Section 5 Gross Private Domestic Investment and Capital Transfers (2.9 MB)
          Section 7 Motor Vehicle Output (1.2 MB)



August 31, 2007
Monthly NIPA tables have been updated to include the release of July 2007 personal income and outlays.


August 30, 2007
Selected Tables have been updated to include the 2nd quarter preliminary release of GDP.
In addition updated table 5.9, Changes in Net Stock of Produced Assets (Fixed Assets and Inventories), beginning with 2004.


August 3, 2007
NIPA table 4.3B has been updated with revised estimates for 1997-2006 to reflect the 2007 annual revisions of the NIPAs and of the ITAs.


August 1, 2007
Most of the annual NIPA tables have been updated with revised estimates for 2004-2006 to reflect the 2007 annual revision of the NIPAs.


July 31, 2007
Monthly NIPA tables have been updated to include the release of June 2007 personal income and outlays and the 2007 annual revision.


July 27, 2007
Selected Tables have been updated to include the 2nd quarter advance release of GDP and the 2007 annual revision of the NIPAs, which covers annual and quarterly estimates for 2004-2006 and the first quarter of 2007.

Release schedule for additional estimates from the annual revision:

Starting on July 27th, data in the Non-Selected tables will not be available for the period 2002-2006 until August 3th when the data will be updated.

On July 31: Monthly NIPA tables will be updated to include the release of June 2007 personal income and outlays and the 2007 annual revision.

By August 3: Most of the remaining annual NIPA tables from the 2007 annual revision will be released. The “underlying detail� tables for the annual revision will be posted.

The historical tables that were not affected by the 2007 annual revision are available. Several tables from the annual revision will be released in September and October (tables 2.9, 3.15-3.19, 5.9, 7.19, 7.20 and 8.1-8.6); for these tables, estimates through 2003 are available on the site.


August 31, 2007 - Estimates for second quarter 2007 have been updated in the underlying detail tables to reflect the August 30 GDP release.


July 31, 2007 - The underlying detail tables have been updated to include the 2nd quarter advance release of GDP and the 2007 annual revision of the NIPAs, which covers annual and quarterly estimates for 2004-2006 and the first quarter of 2007.


June 29, 2007 - Estimates for first quarter 2007 have been updated in the underlying detail tables to reflect the June 28 GDP release.