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Preliminary Studies

Urban Storm Water Best Management Practices Study

Preliminary Data Summary of Urban Stormwater Best Management Practices

Additional Resources on Stormwater Management and TMDLs

EPA-821-R-99-012; August 1999

EPA conducted a study of urban storm water discharges in 1997-98 to explore how the Effluent Guidelines program can contribute to the Agency's efforts in implementing the national storm water program requirements under Section 402(p) of the Clean Water Act. The study is intended to complement the ongoing implementation of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water permit program.

The study is based largely on existing literature and data on best management practices (BMPs) that are used to control urban storm water runoff. Topics covered include: BMP performance measures and measurable goals, availability of measurement methods, design criteria, monitoring issues, costs and cost minimization opportunities, and the benefits and economic impacts of constructing and operating BMPs.

The discussion of BMP performance includes structural BMPs such as infiltration devices, ponds, filters and constructed wetlands; and the effectiveness of non-structural BMPs, low impact development practices and management measures such as maintenance practices, street sweeping, public education and outreach programs. Literature sources include BMP performance studies compiled for the new National Storm Water BMP Database and BMP design manuals and guidance prepared by EPA and other Federal agencies, states and local governments.

In early 1999, shortly after completion of this report, EPA began development of Effluent Guidelines for the Construction and Development Industry, focusing on storm water discharges.

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Project Manager:
Eric Strassler (strassler.eric@epa.gov)
Engineering and Analysis Division, Office of Science and Technology
Phone 202-566-1026

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National Storm Water BMP Database


The American Society of Civil Engineers has developed a comprehensive database on BMP performance under an EPA cooperative agreement. The long-term goal of the project is to promote technical design improvements for BMPs and to better match their selection and design to the local storm water problems being addressed.

EPA and ASCE invite organizations who have conducted BMP performance monitoring to submit their data to the database and share their findings with the public.

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