Telecommunications and Electronic and Information Technology Advisory Committee (TEITAC)
Draft Meeting Summary

September 4–6, 2007
National Science Foundation Arlington, VA

Monday, July 16, 2007

Review and modification to Agenda

  Michael Paciello, Jim Tobias, Co-Chairs, TEITAC

Michael Paciello, Jim Tobias, Co-Chairs, TEITAC reviewed the agenda.  The co-chairs outlined the expectations for the meeting, which were that the full committee would now begin to focus on each of the separate subcommittee reports as part of a cohesive document.  The committee will now focus on the draft document as a whole, using the August 17th draft, found here:

The committee members can also refer to an even newer draft, the  September 3rd “Working Draft” version of the document, which can be found here:

It was also discussed and understood that the preliminary agenda for this meeting, could be modified, subject to the needs of the full committee.

Access Board staff presentation and discussion of draft to date

David Baquis, staff member of the Access Board, gave a presentation of comments by Access Board staff to the August 17th Draft.  His report is found here:  http://www.access-

Government panel presentation and discussion of draft to date

Robert Baker, SSA, TJ Cannady, IRS, Terry Weaver, GSA, and Diane Golden, NASCIO gave a panel presentation to the committee members, commenting on the August 17, 2007 draft, from the perspective of federal and state governments.  Jim Pecht, staff member from the Access Board, addressed the meaning of the concept of “built-in” as discussed in ADAAG.  The presentations of the panel members are found at the following links:;; and;

Public Comment

A public comment period was held, then the committee adjourned for lunch.

Report & Discussion:  Software, Web, and Content

Andi Snow-Weaver, IBM, and co-chair of the subcommittee, gave a report on the current provisions under discussion by the subcommittee.  Her report is found here:

Report & Discussion:  AV

Larry Goldberg, WGBH, and co-chair of the subcommittee, gave a report on the current provisions under discussion by the subcommittee.  His report is found here:

Public Comment period

At the end of the public comment period on the first day, where no public comments were offered, committee members briefly discussed the reports of the morning, then the meeting was adjourned for the evening.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Review of Agenda

Michael Paciello, Jim Tobias, Co-Chairs, TEITAC, amended the agenda, based on committee feedback and how the first day progressed.  The amended agenda is found here:

Report & Discussion:  General Interface

Gregg Vanderheiden, Trace, and co-chair of the subcommittee, gave a report on the current provisions under discussion by the subcommittee.  There was discussion of provisions relating to biometric id.  His report is found here:

Discussion:  Role of Functional Performance Criteria

A discussion was held by the entire committee about how to address functional performance criteria together with the technical provisions.  After extensive discussion, the issue was continued for further discussion on Thursday.

Public Comment

A public comment period was held.  T.J. Cannady of IRS commented on FPC, then the committee adjourned for lunch.

Discussion:  AT – IT Interoperability

A discussion was held by the entire committee about how to address the interoperability of Assistive technology and Information technology.  After extensive discussion, the issue was continued for further discussion on Thursday

Report & Discussion:  Self Contained, Closed Products

Debbie Cook, NNDBTAC, and co-chair of the subcommittee, gave a report on the current provisions under discussion by the subcommittee.  There was discussion of provisions relating to Installed or Free-Standing, (found here: Text Size (found here: and Personal-Private (found here:

Report & Discussion:  Hardware

Randy Marsden, ATIA, and Robert Nerhood, Dell, co-chairs of the subcommittee, gave a report.  It is found here:

Public Comment period

A public comment period was held.  Peter Manyin of the Federal Reserve and Eric Demery of Freedom Scientific commented on the discussion of AT-IT Interoperability that had been held earlier that day.  The meeting was then adjourned for the evening.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Review of Agenda

Michael Paciello, Jim Tobias, Co-Chairs, TEITAC, reviewed and modified the agenda again, based on the discussions of the committee on the two earlier days of the meeting.  

Approval of minutes from meeting July, August TEITAC  meetings.

Timothy Creagan, Access Board staff member, reviewed the draft meeting minutes from the July and August meetings.  The minutes were approved.  

Report & Discussion:  Telecommunications

Mary Brooner, ITIA, co-chair of the subcommittee, gave a report on the current provisions under discussion by the subcommittee.  There was discussion of provisions relating to TTYs, real time text, and accessibility of telephones.  Her report is found here: 

Public Comment

A public comment period was held.  Peter Manyin of Federal Reserve and Paul Schaeffer of State commented on topics such as the timing of release of provisions of the report, and comparable access and use.  The committee then adjourned for lunch.

Report & Discussion:  Subpart A

Deborah Buck, ATAP, co-chair of the subcommittee, gave a report on the current provisions under discussion by the subcommittee.  There was discussion of provisions relating to comparable access, fundamental alteration and business need.  Her report is found here:  

Report & Discussion: Documentation and Technical Support

Michele Budris, Sun, co-chair of the subcommittee, gave a report on the current provisions under discussion by the subcommittee.  There was discussion of provisions relating to accessible documentation and features of products.  Her report is found here:

Discussion:  Editorial Working Group discussion of draft; Next steps

Members of the Editorial Working Group, including co-chair Jim Tobias, reviewed the Status Spreadsheet of provisions with the committee.  The spreadsheet is found here:

Discussion:  Role of Functional Performance Criteria (continued)

Committee members continued discussion on this topic. 

Discussion:  AT – IT Interoperability (continued)

Committee members continued discussion on this topic.

Public Comment Period

A public comment period was held at the end of the day.  It was agreed that a number of the provisions which were not completely discussed during the course of this face to face meeting would be discussed during the October TEITAC teleconferences, which will be held between 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on October 9, 16, 23 and 30.

The Sixth TEITAC meeting then adjourned, all subcommittees having reported.