BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Argentina Local time: 06:12 PM

What's New

What's New in Argentina

Learn of new business opportunities, events and other topics of interest to U.S. exporters in this page. Make the most of the opportunities available to you! Check out What’s New on a regular basis and you won’t miss any chances.  

Market Information 

Doing Business in Rosario

With one million inhabitants, Rosario is the third largest city in Argentina and a main agricultural hub.  It has also become a great commercial and industrial center, a major railroad terminal and the shipping center for northeastern Argentina.  Learn more...

Featured Event

The second edition of the Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF) held in Atlanta, GA August 2008, exceeded expectations for facilitating a dynamic, honest, and constructive dialogue among Western Hemisphere leaders on improving the region’s competitiveness.  The 2009 Forum, which will take place in Chile, will provide an opportunity for governments, the business community, and representatives from academia and non-governmental organizations to discuss actions that can be taken to improve competitiveness and economic prosperity in the Americas.   Learn more...

Need Credit Checks on Argentine Partners? 

We can investigate the capabilities, legitimacy and financial strength of a potential business partner in Argentina and provide useful information gleaned from government, industry and financial contacts, the local press and other sources.  You will receive a due diligence report with all the information you need to initiate and manage your business relationships with Argentine companies with confidence.  Learn more...

Make the most of your partner-finding trip to Argentina! 

Uruguay is just a short flight (or ferry-ride) across the river.  After one day of meetings in Buenos Aires, you can have a second day of appointments with pre-qualified potential business partners in Montevideo, at second day pricing.  Two markets for one great price!  Learn more...