USGS: Science for a changing world

PHREEQC (Version 2)--A Computer Program for Speciation, Batch-Reaction, One-Dimensional Transport, and Inverse Geochemical Calculations


Bullet PHREEQC Abstract
BulletPhreeqcI Fact Sheet FS-031-02 (HTML), (PDF)
Bullet Summary
Bullet Release notes
Bullet Installation For Win32 Batch Version
Bullet Installation For Linux Batch Version
Bullet Installation For Mac OS 9
Bullet Installation For Mac OS X
Bullet Complete On-Line User's Guide
Bullet FAQ--Frequently Asked Questions about PHREEQC and PhreeqcI
Bullet Mail Archive--Questions and answers about PHREEQC, PhreeqcI, and Netpath
Bullet Reports using PHREEQC and PHAST
Bullet Appelo's home page: Information, examples, and training courses
Bullet Notes for training course: Geochemistry for Ground-Water Systems 2005 (GW3021.tar.gz, PowerPoint and examples, 19M)


Version 2.12 Pitzer activity coefficient model (PHREEQC and PHAST). Just use pitzer.dat database.

Version 2.13: CD-MUSIC surface complexation (PHREEQC and PHAST). 1D transport with multicomponent diffusion (PHREEQC only).

Version 2.14: Maintenance. Update to gcc 4.1.2, HDF 1.6.5 (PHAST, Model Viewer), MPICH2 (PHAST Windows). Optimizations.

Version 2.15: Hash compatibility with Linux C libraries, CVODE options, interface to NetpathXL.


The Free Software Foundation's gunzip is necessary to uncompress the UNIX tar files available below. However, some World Wide Web browsers automatically uncompress retrieved files. Thus, running gunzip as stated in the installation instructions may be unnecessary.

Graphical User Interfaces
Bullet PhreeqcI Version 2.15.0-2697, February 5, 2008, (11M)
Bullet PHREEQC for Windows version 2.15.06, September 22, 2008 (1.8M) (Local copy for download to US)

Batch Versions
Bullet Windows version 2.15.0-2697, February 5, 2008, (4.2M)--Batch version: Executable, source, database files, examples, PDF documentation
Bullet Linux version 2.15.0-2697, February 5, 2008, (3.0M)--Executable, source, database files, examples, PDF documentation
Bullet Generic Unix version 2.15.0-2697, February 5, 2008, (2.6M)--Executable, source, database files, examples, PDF documentation
Bullet Mac version 2.6 for OS 9: (Stuffit Expander archive, MacBinary encoded, requires Stuffit Expander) Executable, source, data base files, examples, PDF documentation (1.8M)
Stuffit Expander Home Page
Bullet Mac version for OS X, 2.12.1-669, November 16, 2005, (2.5M)--Executable, data base files, examples, and PDF documentation

Bullet PHREEQC Postscript Documentation, compressed tar file (1.1M)
Bullet PHREEQC Postscript Documentation, self-extracting executable file (1.1M)
Bullet PHREEQC PDF Documentation (1.1M)
Bullet PhreeqcI Fact Sheet (PDF) (.1M)


Bullet Status of PHREEQC Programs
Bullet Add Me to the PHREEQC Mailing List (Include the word "subscribe" in body of letter)
Bullet Your Comments/Bug Reports

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