January 30, 2009  
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Families for Early Autism Treatment

Families for Early Autism Treatment Minimize

FEAT is a non-profit organization of parents, family members, and treatment professionals dedicated to providing best outcome Education, Advocacy and Support for the Northern California Autism Community

Autism Spectrum Disorders are comprised of Pervasive Developmental Disorders including Asperger’s Disorder (AS), Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), and Autistic Disorder. The widely used term “Autism” is defined as including all Autism Spectrum Disorders.

The FEAT website makes information available about FEAT, its goals, organization, how FEAT can help families and individuals directly, as well as to provide information about other helpful resources.

In the News here at FEAT... Minimize

Thank you to the families who attended our FEAT Photo shoot. It was great to see all of you. Remember to hit the link attached to view and purchase the pictures that were taken at the park. I hope to see you all at the stuffing party on February 23rd. Please rsvp to Liz Armstrong at lmbandb at hotmail dot com

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The information and resources on the Families for Early Autism Treatment (FEAT) Website are for educational and informational purposes only. Information provided by FEAT should not be used as a substitute for care by a qualified Developmental Pediatrician, Pediatric Neurologist, Behavioral Psychologist, Behavior Analyst, Speech and Language Pathologist, Attorney, or other appropriate professional. FEAT is a United Way Certfied Partner Agency, #16106, #3180 for Federal agencies.

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