Trading Division










                                  Silver Chain Trading & General Contracting Company (SCC) Kuwait.






Silver Chain Trading & General Contracting Company (SCC)  was established in 1980 as a Trading & General Contracting Company in Kuwait. Since that date the company has been evolving in the following:










This department of SCC managed

by highly qualified people with

many years of experience

and technical expertise

This Division has a vital role
in the company by supplying and
delivering products, associated
with the oil industry. SCC is
well versed with the specification
and requirements .



The Air-Condition and Refrigeration division of SCC opened in 1995.In

a short span of time A/C division

become one of the most reputed

and respected


                      TRADING DIVISION

TRADING DIVISION                     


·       Trading; Stockist and Supplier of wide range of piping material to the Oil Companies from the approved and world's well-known companies (USA, EUROPE AND JAPAN).


·       General Contracting, Security Systems and Supplier  / Installer of Safety Shield Widows Film Dealer for MADICO USA.


·        Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Stockist and

     Dealer of Carrier Kuwait Air-Conditioning Company







This Website Designed and Maintain by: SCC

All Rights Reserved Silver Chain Trading & General Contracting Company