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Cairo: Thursday, May 07, 23:52 (GMT+2)
AmCham Web Advertising: May 2009 Offer – Up to 15% Discount
Business News: Teachers Syndicate Hospital in Gezira, Cairo, postponing the deadline given to specialized...details
Certifications summer package valid till – 17/5/2009
AmCham Program for Professional Certificates Special Offer
U.S. State in the Spotlight Project Launched – Featuring Texas
Kellogg-AUC Executive Development Program
Latest Reports: Petroleum Sector Developments in Egypt, Egypt Economic Profile

“The New Economy: How Microsoft is innovating and Helping You Save Money?”
Mr. Steve Ballmer, Chief Executive Officer, Microsoft Corporation

(April 22, 2009)

Latest Committees
Education The American Diploma in Egypt
Marketing Out-of-the-box marketing during tough times
Marketing Fourth Marketing Executive Development Session
Mr. Khaled Fayed

H.E. Mohamed Mansour

H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin

Mr. Michael Corbett

Mr. Mohamed Samir

Mr. Rajeev Chaba

Ms. Rochelle Sobel

Dr. Hossam Badrawi

Mr. Curt Ferguson

The Honorable Frank Wisner

Mr. Adham Nadim

Ms. Azza Fahmy

H.E. Aisha Abdel Hady

H.E. Dr. Ali Al-Moselhi

Amb. Dr. Moustafa El Fekki


"New Investments in Civil Aviation"
H.E. Air Marshal Ahmed Shafik, Minister of Civil Aviation

(April 15, 2009)



American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt
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Egypt Watch Bulletin:
May 1st, 09

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