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Controlling Pests: Roaches, Mice, Rats

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1. Put all food in closed containers.

2. Keep food in the kitchen and eating areas. Don’t snack in the living room or bedroom.

3. Clean dishes each night; at a minimum, scrape off excess food and rinse.

4. Avoid standing liquids: fix pipe leaks, drain dishwater at the end of the day.

5. Keep counters and floors clean; clean up spills and crumbs.

6. Caulk cracks where pests might be entering.

7. Plug holes where pests might be entering.

8. Cover or seal trash when it’s indoors.

9. Take out garbage, old newspapers, recycling regularly – put in covered
containers, preferably away from the house.

10. Don’t leave pet food and water out in a bowl overnight.

11. Avoid pesticides – they can harm people, especially kids. Avoid roach "bombs" or liquid spray chemicals. If you decide to use chemicals, always read the label and follow instructions carefully. Traps or closed bait stations are less toxic alternatives.

12. For questions about pest control, pesticides, or exterminators, contact the Michigan Department of Agriculture, Division of Pest and Plant Management in Lansing: (517) 241-2976.

This fact sheet was created by Community Action Against Asthma (CAAA), a part of MCECH (the Michigan Center for the Environment and Children’s Health. Funded by: the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (P01-ES09589 and RO1-ES10688) and the Environmental Protection Agency (PO1-ES09589). Contact Kathy Edgren, Project Manager of CAAA, for further information: 1-877-640-4064 or kedgren@umich.edu.

Centers Funded By:
EPA Home NIEHS Centers for Children's Environmental Health

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