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Common Core of Data (CCD)

 Financial Survey Data Page  

Information on National Public Education Financial Survey Data

The database provides the following state aggregate finance data:


  • Local sources
  • Intermediate sources
  • State sources
  • Federal sources


For each function below (after fiscal year 1988) expenditures are provided for the following objects: salaries, employee benefits, purchased services, supplies and equipment:

  • Instruction
  • Instructional staff support services
  • Pupil support services
  • General administration
  • School administration
  • Operations and maintenance
  • Student transportation
  • Other support services (such as central administration and business services)
  • Food services
  • Enterprise operations
  • Total current expenditures

Expenditures are also provided on:

  • Facilities acquisition and construction expenditures
  • Debt service expenditures
  • Non elementary -secondary education expenditures (such as community services, adult education, private schools etc., if funded through regular locale education agencies).


  • Average daily attendance
  • Student membership (fall enrollment)
 Financial Survey Data Page
