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HOME > Daily Precipitation Analysis > US & Mexico

US and Mexico Precipitation Gridded Analysis

    The Climate Prediction Center (CPC) daily (1200 - 1200 UTC) rain gauge analysis contains information from over 8000 stations across the US and Mexico each day in near realtime (within 12 hours). The data base includes multiple sources of rain gauge data over the US: "First order" World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Telecommunications System (GTS) sites; SHEF (Standard Hydrologic Exchange Format)-encoded precipitation reports from River Forecast Centers; the Hydrometeorological Automated Data System (HADS) dataset; and the SNOTEL [SNOwpack TELemetry] dataset. The Mexican precipitation data was provided by the Mexican National Weather Service through a continuing long-term collaboration. .

Resolution: 0.25 degree x 0.25 degree

Domain: 10 N - 60 N, 140 W - 60 W

Window: Day 1 analysis is valid for the window from 12Z on day 0 to 12Z on day 1.

Format: Sequential access binary files created on a big_endian platform (e.g. SUN, SGI, HP, etc.). The missing value is 9999.

Analysis Scheme: Modified Cressman (1959) Scheme (Glahn et al. 1985; Charba et al. 1992). Minimum stations for analysis: 500 for precipitation. If the number of stations is less than the minimum, then the analysis is not performed for that day.

Quality Control:
Duplicate Station Check
B. Data Check (buddy check, standard deviation check against climatology)
C.NEXRAD check for spurious zeros.

NOAA/ National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Climate Prediction Center
5200 Auth Road
Camp Springs, Maryland 20746
Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
Page last modified: July 25, 2006
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