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Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS)

(SAST logo) Welcome to the SAST Database:
An Environmental Information System for the Upper Mississippi and Lower Missouri River Basins

This is the location of the SAST database and its associated data server. As datasets are made available, they will be staged in this area. Users may select datasets of interest and have them transferred to local disk using built-in FTP network transfers. The data in this area will be augmented and updated periodically. To avoid proliferation of obsolete files, you should check here for the most current version. Data should not be transferred until you really need them. This data server will be maintained for as long as you need access!


American Experience presents a new documentary "Fatal Flood" airing on PBS on Monday, April 16, 2001at 9pm ET. This deals with the flood of 1927 on the Mississippi River.

  • Real-Time Water Data (Stream Gaging Stations, Rainfall, etc.)

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