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Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder approach to develop a corporate reporting system based on sustainability for organizations around the globe. GRI was created in 1997 through a partnership between the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). GRI convened stakeholders from around the world to develop reporting guidelines to help corporations report performance at the facility level. GRI was released for the first time in March 1999. After incorporating public comments into the draft guidance, an updated release of the guidelines was issued in June 2000. In 2002, GRI was established as an independent, international, multi-stakeholder establishment.


Strengths and Limitations




GRI provides a useful framework for combining a variety of efforts using a consistent measurement. P2 grant program participants can work with businesses to measure performance changes using GRI indicators. For example, when the South Carolina DHEC follows up with a facility after conducting a P2 assessment, it now uses a new form to quantify performance changes using GRI measures.

Additional Information

The GRI reporting guidelines may be accessed online at http://www.globalreporting.org/.Exit Disclaimer

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