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Onsite Renewable Technologies

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In the United States, electricity is generated primarily from the combustion of a limited supply of fossil fuels, or with large hydroelectric dams, or with nuclear power plants. Each of these traditional approaches presents unique environmental concerns. Renewable energy dramatically lowers pollution emissions, reduces environmental health risks, and slows the depletion of finite natural resources.

Renewable energy is derived from sun, wind, water, or the Earth's core. It also can be derived from biomass—or plant matter—which is grown, harvested, and transferred into energy by one of a number of processes. Renewable technologies are designed to capture and store this energy. They include:

Workers installing solar panels on rooftop of RTP's NCC building.

Installation of a photovoltaic roof on the National Computer Center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

EPA's Use of Renewable Technologies

To promote energy efficiency and environmentally sensitive energy generation, EPA facilities are using renewable energy technologies to supplement or replace a large portion of their energy requirements at the following facilities:

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