Lincoln Wood Baptist Church Pastor David F. Pledger 11803 Adel Houston, Texas 77067 e-mail: November 18, 2003 Federal Communications Commission Disabilities Rights Office 445 12th Street SW Washington, Dc 20544 Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to ask that you consider granting us an exemption for the Closed Captioning Requirements for 2004 for our local church television program. I am asking your consideration because this will cause an undue burden. We are a relative small congregation of about 100 members. We have a 30- minute religious program on KLTJ TV 22, Houston, Texas each Sunday at 12:00 PM. The cost of producing the programs and buying the airtime averages about $3000.00 per month. Our church income averages about $11,000.00 per month. We have never asked for money on our program and all that we offer is a free cassette copy of the message to those that desire it. We consider this program to be a ministry of our church. It appears that for us to add the closed captioning will increase our cost $200.00 per program or $800 to $1000 a month. This added cost would be an undue burden for us. It probably means that we will not continue our program. If you will consider this request for the exemption I would be very thankful. The television station tells us that they need a copy of the exemption or a statement showing that we are being considered for the exemption. If you need more information please contact me at 281-440-0623 or by email. Again your prompt attention will be very much appreciated. Very truly yours, David F. Pledger