Evangelistic Outreach Ministries Calvin Evans - Director P.O. Box 56 Pedro, OH 45659 Phone: 740-532-2116 Fax: 740-532-5855 1-800-767-8713 www.calvinevans.org November 17, 2003 Dear Petition Review Commission: I am the Director of a non-profit religious corporation that has been involved in television since 1970. We produce and distribute a half-hour weekly program that is completely viewer supported and has the highest impact in the Applachian area where we are located. I am writing to request an exemption of the Closed Captioning Requirements for 2004. The petition is not based on our lack of desire to have the captioning. In fact, we have done all we can in the past to benefit the viewers with physical challenges that could prevent them from enjoying our productions. For several years, we produced our programs at a studio that allowed us an additional camera shot so an individual could use “sign language” for the hearing impaired. However, the station now uses new technology and curtailed our ability to continue to use that outlet. So we immediately began searching for a closed captioning company to assist us. After much research, we have found it to cost about $450 weekly to add the necessary captioning to our broadcast. Since it is viewer supported, the income has dropped drastically and we operate on a minimal budget. The increase in production cost would cause us to curtail our programming on many, if not all, of our television outlets. Also, our outreach is greatly involved in humanitarian projects for the poor. We do not charge administrative costs to these projects. All of the additional annual cost of over $23,000 for captioning would force us to cut out many of those programs. The majority of markets that air our programs are suffering greatly economically. Again, this cost would be devastating to our corporation and to the people we can help without the additional costs to us. For the past three consecutive years this corporation has sustained financial losses. The expense of captioning next year could bring us to pint of financial demise. We will utilize all the graphics and character generated information possible in each program to assure the viewers of our desire to assist them and make them aware of program content. Again, it is our desire to have closed captioning. The problem we face is adequate funds to allow us to do so. Therefore, please review my request for exemption of closed captioning in 2004. Please contact me if you have any questions. Your prompt assistance is greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely Yours, Calvin Ray Evans, Director Evangelistic Outreach Inc.