Table 1.—Revised NIPA Tables

Table number Table title/1/ Comments/2/
New Old
1. Product and Income
1.11.1Gross Domestic Product (A, 1929; Q, 1946)Change in inventories for nonfarm and farm no longer shown separately. Detail for goods and for services added under exports and under imports. "Government purchases" renamed and redefined to reflect recognition of government investment.
1.21.2Real Gross Domestic Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947)Same as table 1.1, and "Residual" line added.
1.31.3Gross Domestic Product by Major Type of Product (A, 1929; Q, 1946)"Motor vehicle output" and "GDP less motor vehicle output" added as addenda.
1.41.4Real Gross Domestic Product by Major Type of Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947)Same as table 1.3, and two "Residual" lines added.
1.51.5Relation of Gross Domestic Product, Gross Domestic Purchases, and Final Sales to Domestic Purchasers (A, 1929; Q, 1946)None.
1.61.6Relation of Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross Domestic Purchases, and Real Final Sales to Domestic Purchasers (A, 1929; Q, 1947)None.
1.71.7Gross Domestic Product by Sector (A, 1929; Q, 1946)"Statistical discrepancy" and addendum deleted.
1.81.8Real Gross Domestic Product by Sector (A, 1929; Q, 1947)Same as table 1.7, and "Residual" line added.
1.91.9Relation of Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Product, Net National Product, National Income, and Personal Income (A, 1929; Q, 1946)Detail added under "Consumption of fixed capital" for government. "Gross domestic income" added to, and "Domestic income" deleted from, addenda.
1.101.10Relation of Real Gross Domestic Product, Real Gross National Product, and Real Net National Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947)Detail added under "Consumption of fixed capital" for government. "Less: Indirect business tax liability plus business transfer payments less subsidies plus current surplus of government enterprises," "Statistical discrepancy," and "Equals: National income" deleted. "Gross domestic income" added to, and "Domestic income" deleted from, addenda.
1.111.11Command-Basis Real Gross National Product (A, 1929; Q, 1947)None.
1.121.12Net Domestic Product Income by Sector (A, 1929)Detail added under "Households and institutions" and under "General government." "Statistical discrepancy" deleted, and "Domestic income" and detail below it deleted.
1.131.13Real Net Domestic Product by Sector (A, 1929)Same as table 1.12, and "Residual" line added.
1.141.14National Income by Type of Income (A, 1929; Q, 1946)None.
1.151.15National Income by Sector, Legal Form of Organization, and Type of Income (A, 1929)None.
1.161.16Gross Domestic Product of Corporate Business in Current Dollars and Gross Domestic Product of Nonfinancial Corporate Business in Current and Chained Dollars (A, 1929; Q, 1946) "Indirect business tax and nontax liability plus business transfer payments less subsidies" and "Domestic income" deleted from bottom panel.
2. Personal Income and Outlays
2.12.1Personal Income and Its Disposition (A, 1929; Q, 1946)Aggregate "Private industries" added under "Wage and salary disbursements."
2.22.2Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A, 1946; Q, 1946)None.
2.32.3Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A, 1947; Q, 1947)"Residual" line added.
2.42.4Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Expenditure (A, 1929)None.
2.52.5Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Expenditure (A, 1929)"Residual" line added.
2.62.6Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product (A, 1929)None.
2.72.7Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Product (A, 1929)"Residual" line added.
2.82.8Personal Income by Type of Income (A, 1959; M, 1959)"Private industries" column added under "Wage and salary disbursements." Addendum column deleted.
2.92.9Personal Income and Its Disposition (A, 1959; M, 1959)Monthly "Personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income" recalculated.
2.102.10Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A, 1959; M, 1959)None.
2.112.11Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by Major Type of Product (A, 1959; M, 1959) None.

See footnotes at end of table.

Table 1, page 2