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Counter Point Wall

Counter Point Wall Office System Furniture.Managing Change

Changing functions.  Frequent reconfigurations.  Ongoing relocations.  These are the realities of the workplace.  Counter Point Wall panels-with their total modularity and ease of placement effortlessly accommodate this work environment.

Counter Point Wall panels are eminently practical.  They contain all power, data and communication cabling required for immediate service.  Office furnishings and accessories are easily attached.  Unmatched structural integrity allows integration of doors, panels and other elements, while delivering years of service. With the widest available selection of panel sizes, heights, materials and frame treatments, the Counter Point Wall system lets you reconfigure for tomorrow. It helps you manage change. Modularity Makes Sense.

Character and style need not be sacrificed to achieve ease of movement and reconfiguration.  Counter Point Wall panels are totally modular and completely interchangeable.  Minimum parts, unitized structure and universal unit dimensions make Counter Point Wall highly adaptable to changing culture, technology and tasks.  

Non-progressive design allows individual panels to be removed without disturbing adjoining units.  Unique pivoting bases eliminate awkward handling of large sections.  Panels are simply set on the floor and tilted into place.

The appearance-as well as the function-of your work environment can be easily and cost-effectively updated on-site, by replacing Counter Point Wall demountable shells.  When flexibility and adaptability matter, this system's modularity makes good sense.

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