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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Seminar Series

Picture of pyrene in soil

One of the core goals of the Superfund Basic Research Program is the translation of basic scientific research advances into regulatory, industrial, and public health practice. These outreach efforts include partnering with other federal agencies to communicate research findings, provide networking and collaboration opportunities, and discuss needs for future work.  In October 2007, Dr. Fred Pfaender, of the UNC-CH SBRP, presented a seminar to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) in Atlanta, GA. The seminar, "Bioavailability as a Factor in Pollutant Exposure," was so well received that a full series of seminars was launched in 2008.

The SBRP worked with the National Center for Environmental Health/ATSDR Office of the Associate Director of Science to identify topics pertinent to the ATSDR research interests in applied environmental health.  The five seminars covered topics ranging from contamination, to fate and transport, bioavailability, and the differences in the pharmacokinetics of various routes of exposure. Three presentations were also broadcast online for the benefit of partners with the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health and the Centers for Disease Control, who were unable to attend the presentations in person.

After each presentation, ATSDR technical staff were invited to hold one-on-one discussions with the speakers. In these discussions, SBRP and ATSDR scientists explored common research interests and the potential for coordination of future research efforts.  ATSDR staff commented that all the talks were very pertinent to their areas of research interests, and one even asked when one of the speakers would be able to return and give a second talk on a related topic.

The 2008 seminars were:

Two seminars have been scheduled for 2009, and a third is being planned.

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Last Reviewed: March 17, 2009