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Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response

Superfund Basic Research Program

SBRP staff has worked closely with Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) office that has responsibility for all EPA hazardous waste-related programs, including Superfund. Specifically within OSWER, we have established ongoing ties with the Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI) and its Technology Innovation Program (TIP).

On a regular basis SBRP staff meets with OSRTI staff, the OSWER office that is directly responsible for implementing the EPA Superfund program, to discuss ongoing and future coordination efforts. Ms. Jayne Michaud, the senior OSRTI risk assessor, serves as the program liaison to SBRP, and has effectively coordinated SBRP activities within OSWER and OSRTI. In addition, SBRP has coordinated closely with OSRTI's Community Involvement Center to share community outreach materials and tools, and more effectively assist local communities.

To further the transfer of research results, SBRP staff has networked with TIP to leverage their communication tools with the broader EPA, state, federal, private contractor remediation community. The RISK-e-Learning web-based science seminar series initiated in the fall of 2002 is a prime example of leveraging of resources. To date, the SBRP has presented seminar series on PCBs, metals, and biosensors. These eleven events reached over 1,700 people, largely from federal and state environmental agencies, consulting and engineering firms, and academia.

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Last Reviewed: August 20, 2007