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Deciphering Medspeak

Deciphering Medspeak

To make informed health decisions, you have probably read a newspaper or magazine article, tuned into a radio or television program, or searched the Internet to find answers to health questions. If so, you have probably encountered "medspeak," the specialized language of health professionals.

The Medical Library Association developed "Deciphering Medspeak" to help translate common "medspeak" terms:

The brochure also features MLA's "Top Ten" Most Useful Websites.

This brochure is also available in Spanish and Plain Language (low literacy) versions

Also available are disease-specific versions of the popular "Deciphering Medspeak" brochure. The series now includes Medspeak brochures (links are to PDF versions) focusing on the specific diseases


Deciphering Medspeak: HIV-AIDS Brochure

Also available in a plain language version.

Deciphering Medspeak: Stroke Brochure

Also available in a plain language version.


Each brochure features a list of Rx riddles or abbreviations as well as a glossary of medspeak terms and MLA-recommended Websites related to each disease.

Diabetes, HIV-AIDS and Stroke Medspeaks are now also available in Plain Language (low literacy) versions!

Print Copies

All Deciphering Medspeak brochures (original and disease-specific) may be purchased:

  • in quantities of 25 of any one brochure (MLA member price: $18.00; nonmembers: $22.00)
  • in quantities of 50 of any one brochure (MLA member price: $32.00; nonmembers: $40.00)

To order, visit the MLANET Store or contact Tom Pacetti,; 312.419/9094 x19. You may also request free, single copies of the brochures by contacting Tomi Gunn,; 312.419.9094 x11.