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Switzerland Local time: 03:59 AM

Business Service Provider Directory

Business Consulting


focus360 logo

Contact: Jack Vincent
Oberwolfisbuehl 2
6020 Emmenbruecke
Phone: +41 41 281 30 43
Fax: +41 41 281 30 54

When entering new markets or establishing a foreign base of operations, knowing the local business environment is crucial. So is selecting a partner who will share risk and be held accountable for results.

focus360 help companies make the transition from domestic to international quickly and efficiently. Whether it’s launching sales in the Swiss market or setting up business operations using Switzerland as a platform for sales across Europe, we don’t just advise, we get operational - working directly alongside Managers to kick-start sales, finding, training and driving channel partner performance or taking on representation directly.

We will analyze your offering, then based on the market dynamics and associated buyer behavior, we’ll put in place the sales structure and systems to ensure successful implementation.

focus360 also helps you establish an operating company or legal entity in Switzerland. We combine hands-on business development expertise with the fiscal, legal and operational side of establishing a local business.

Contact us, so that we can explore your objectives in Europe and jointly develop the right solution.

intercom Leuenberg

Logo Intercom Leuenberg

Contact: Mr. Martin A. Leuenberg
Augsburgerstrasse 6, CH-3052 Zollikofen
Phone: +41 31 911 95 11
Fax: +41 31 911 95 12

If you intend to enter into a new market or look for new distribution
channels, new partners or new acquisitions without establishing a local
subsidiary, intercom LEUENBERG will assist you with professional marketing
and business development services. If you are a technically minded Company
we can help you with our experience and knowledge in Telecommunication, ICT
and ICT-out-sourcing, ISP/Internet, Hi Tech and MIL Electronics, Avionics,
Air Traffic Control and large systems market.

Located in Bern, intercom LEUENBERG is prepared, as a multilingual company,
to support you not only in Switzerland but also throughout Europe.

In our home market we are your partner, coaching you on your local strategy,
establishing your local sales and marketing services and consulting you on
the choice of business locations, recruiting local staff, evaluating
financial and legal aspects and general logistics. We deliver all the
services you need to successfully reach your international goals.

astrid zapf consulting

astrid zapf consutling

Contact: Astrid Zapf
Worbstrasse 220a
3073 Guemligen
Phone: +41 31 954 04 35
Fax: +41 31 954 04 36

Business consulting

We focus on intercultural relations beteween US and Swiss companies.
People with different cultural background often have difficulties to work together. Reasons vary from insufficient language skills to a lack of knowledge of historical, social or economic factors.

That's where we jump in and help people to better understand their counterparts. We consult, coach or follow up projects with people concerned. We have presentations on hand to share with companies wanting to know more about cross-cultural issues.

We provide:
- Strategic support
- Marketing and sales support
- Conflict solving strategies, e.g. mediation
- Support of start-ups
- Offering intercultural solutions to French, German and English speaking business people.



Contact: Marcel Ottiger
Schlyffistrasse 17
Baech / CH-8808
Phone: 41 044 687 17 45
Fax: 41 0 44 687 1746

You plan to relocate to Switzerland or to fund a company or
a branch in Switzerland, the heart of Europe? Welcome in our
tiny but fascinating country.
Doing business in foreign countries always involve quite a
lot of administrative and organizational hurdles – don’t
bother about it. We will take care of all these matters.
We are located in one of the most favorable environments
in Switzerland regarding tax rates and infrastructure with
short distance to Zurich and the Airport.
Our goal is to provide you with professional services to
enable you to successfully focus on your business. This may
encompass services as:
- Evaluation of locations/offices
- Granting of domicile
- Bookkeeping and trust services
- Audit services
- Functional services, board of director mandates
Certainly we can provide you with a wide range of
consulting services regarding doing business and/or living
in Switzerland.
Your step to Switzerland – SMCG Senior Management
Consulting Group AG



Contact: Lise Martin, Head of Marketing and Accounts
Cierne des Paccots 44
Phone: +41 (0)21 802 03 55
Fax: +41 (0)21 802 0356

rainmaker advises large multinationals in the area of talent management. We assist and advise in:

• Attracting talent
• Talent identification
• Developing learning architecture
• Align learning to strategy
• Align talent development and pedagogy with the learning style of the
executive and talent population

We are called on to help organizations review their talent
pool strategies and advise on attraction, development and
retention of talent. rainmaker counsels organizations on how
to get the most out of their talent by releasing
participants from internal, external or personal
constraints. More specifically we enable organizations to
identify these restraints, advise how these restraints may
be avoided and then enable talent to be liberated in order
to drive organizational success.