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Germany Local time: 07:37 AM

Husum Wind Energy 2010

husum2010Whether your company is a HUSUM WindEnergy exhibitor or not, whether it is already at home in the international wind energy sector or is looking to make its first contacts, Husum is the place.            


Our services for US Companies 

The U.S. Commercial Service offers a wide range of support services for U.S. exhibitors and U.S. trade visitors at the USA Pavillion at HUSUM WindEnergy 2010 (September 21-25th).

Trade fair Certification Logo

The Exhibitor Support Program provides high-quality free-of-charge services that pro-actively complement your company's presence at the show. Those services include:

  • Focused email promotion of U.S. exhibitors to local wind industry contacts Pre-registration of international trade visitors with U.S. exhibitors (free)
  • Market research on Germany and other target markets, distributor lists and logistics assistance
  • On-site scheduling assistance
  • Briefings, counseling, and advice on whom to approach at the fair 
  • On-site IPR information

  • Follow-up with leads after the show at your request

  • Product listing on the German website in order to generate additional leads ($40.00 fee)
  • Bilingual assistant and on-site translation services

If you are interested in taking advantage of these services, please register here! HUSUM WindEnergy 2010 Registration Form

Are you interested in exhibiting at HUSUM Wind Energy trade fair? 

Please contact the HUSUM WindEnergy organizer or contact Andrea Stahl (see below) for further questions. Ms. Stahl will also be able to point you in the right direction if you want to simply visit the fair or have questions on the Wind Industry and Market in Germany. It is also possible to make an appointment with her during the fair! 

Conference on North American Wind Markets at Husum

Due to the succes of the Conference on North American Wind Markets in 2008, the American and Canadian Wind Associations (AWEA and CANWEA), the German-canadian camber of Commerce, the VDMA, and GADORE (German-American Dialog on Renewable Energy) may again host a conference followed by a reception at Husum WindEnergy. The hands-on conference will feature presentations and ample room for Q & A with renowned experts from the industry.

Contact Information

Andrea Stahl, Commercial Specialist
U.S. Commercial Service
American Consulate General
Giessener Str. 30
60435 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: 069 7535-3157 / Fax: 069 7535-3171

I will be at the HusumWind for the entire duration of the fair. Do you want to meet with me or do you have a specific question?  Then please get in contact with me and register here!

Note on Intellectual Property Rights

The U.S. Commercial Service is pro-actively engaged in defending American companies against counterfeit and copyright infringement. Please see our guidelines about IPR at Trade Fairs in Europe. They show how exhibitors can be supported on this very important subject. More information...