BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Hong Kong Local time: 04:46 AM


Subject: Expanding the Market for Your Online Games with a U.S. Expert
Date: May 7 and May 14, 2009
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am

The U.S. Commercial Section of the American Consulate General Hong Kong would like to invite you to attend a webinar with Mr. Joe Sticca, President of Stic Media & Technology to discuss how you can leverage on Stic Media to expand the market for your online and mobile games.

Stic Media's Enterprise Media Application Management (EMAM) system can help you streamline and manage across multiple markets to scale your business and revenue internationally and locally.  The EMAM platform allows you to:

  • Create and integrate your games/applications across multiple platforms.
  • Distribute and syndicate across web, mobile, social networks and home media devices.
  • Monetize through advertising, sponsorships, mining demographic data, and commerce transactions.
  • Monitor and track all activities so that you can measure the results and analyze user patterns and where it is spreading from and how people are interacting with your game or application.

This webinar will be offered on May 7, 2009 and May 14, 2009 at 10:00am - 11:30am.  If you are interested to participate for this event, please complete the register form below.

For further information or enquiry, please contact Ms. Fanny Chau at tel: (852) 2521-3721, or email to

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