NHLBI Workshop on Future Directions for Hypertension Treatment Trials

Natcher Conference Center

Bethesda, MD

September 17-18, 2003


 Executive Summary          List of Participants

This workshop will consider the need for further hypertension treatment trials with clinical event outcomes. Three themes for trials will be explored:

  • determining how low a blood pressure level (initially or at goal) should be targeted for treatment;
  • determining optimal treatment regimens for a broadly representative patient population;
  • assessing the role of treatment guided by non-BP patient characteristics at initial evaluation or in response to treatment.
  • Variations on these concepts will be evaluated for importance, especially potential impact on medical practice, and for feasibility. They will be prioritized among themselves, and in comparison to research directed explicitly at practice changes to achieve better BP control.


    Day 1

    8:30 am
    Opening remarks
    Dr. Califf
    8:40 am
    Dr. Cutler
    8:45 am
    Charge to participants
    Dr. Califf
    8:50 am
    Keynote: Public health challenges in treating hypertension
    Dr. Furberg
    9:15 am
    Keynote: Pharmacologic issues in treating hypertension
    Dr. Oparil
    9:40 am
    Theme 1: How low to treat blood pressure? Evidence from epidemiology and clinical trials
    Dr. MacMahon
    10:05 am
    Refreshment Break
    10:30 am
    Theme 2: Drugs and drug regimens - what are the issues and how to address them?
    Dr. Black
    10:55 am
    Theme 3A: Can genetic information help with selecting antihypertensive treatments?
    Dr. Boerwinkle
    11:20 am
    Theme 3B: Can sub-clinical disease help with selecting antihypertensive treatments?
    Dr. Devereux (delivered by Dr. Gottdiener)
    11:45 am
    12:30 pm
    Lunch (Natcher Cafeteria)
    1:30 pm
    Breakout Groups 1-3
    Drs. Cushman, Wright, Svetkey (leaders)
    5:30 pm
    Adjourn for the day

    Day 2
    Reconvene in plenary session
    8:30 am
    NHLBI Hypertension Research Initiatives: process and perspectives
    Dr. Cutler
    8:40 am
    Summary of Breakout 1
    Dr. Cushman
    9:00 am
    9:20 am
    Summary of Breakout 2
    Dr. Wright
    9:40 am
    10:00 am
    Summary of Breakout 3
    Dr. Svetkey
    10:20 am
    10:40 am
    Refreshment Break
    11:00 am
    Priority-setting exercise
    11:50 am
    Closing remarks
    Dr. Califf

    NOTE: Because of the Hurricane Isabel weather emergency, the Workshop agenda was accelerated, and was held on September 17 only.

    August 2004

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