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Lukiskiu str. 5, Room 204
01108 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. + 370 5 261 1181
E-mail: info@amcham.lt, acc@iti.lt


Who We Are

The mission of the American Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania (AmCham Lithuania, ACC) is to promote and protect its members' business interests in Lithuania and the EU and to bridge opportunities for both Lithuanian and American businesses.

American and non-American companies, organizations, and individual businessmen are invited to join the Chamber and take active part in its activities.

AmCham News

On January 26th, 2008 the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the American Chamber of Commerce invited their members and friends to the seminar "Belarus Neighboring Business Opportunities".

On December 9th, 2008 the American Chamber of Commerce hosted its traditional charitable early Christmas event.

On November 11th, 2008 the American Chamber of Commerce, British Chamber of Commerce, German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce and Swedish Chamber of Commerce invited their members to the half-day conference "Taking Care of Your Business".

On October 23rd, 2008 the American Chamber of Commerce invited its members and friends to the special event - Conference-Panel Discussion "The Influence of Regional Security to the Business and Economic Environment", organized on the occasion of the 15th Anniversary of the Chamber's activities in Lithuania.

In the end of September the AmCham members and guests were invited to the first fall AmCham Business Luncheon featuring Mr. Saulius Spėčius, the Member of the Board of LEO LT.

On September 23rd, 2008 AmCham fellow members were invited to the picturesque Belmonto pramogų center to the AmCham Company Mixer sponsored by Magnus Travel.

AmCham Magazine

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In this Issue:

  • To Make Lithuania a Real Competitor in the Baltic Tourism Market
  • Wrislit on the Additional value Travel Agencies Can Offer
  • AmCham Welcomes
  • Kaunas Potential Still Untapped
  • The Legal Environment for Travel Companies in Lithuania
  • Demystifying U.S. Visas
  • The Special Insurance for Foreigners Travelling in the Schengen Area

AmCham Sponsor Members