Service Wetlands Programs

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service works with others in many ways to protect and restore wetlands and the species that depend on them.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

· Atlantic Salmon; Gulf of Maine Coastal Program
· Amphibian declines and deformities; Environmental Contaminants Program

· Bird Habitat Conservation Division

· Casco Bay, Maine, Habitat Protection Project; Gulf of Maine Coastal Program
· Chesapeake Bay, On the Wild Side! quarterly online newsletter
· Clean Water Act, Section 404; Habitat and Resource Conservation
· Coastal Barrier Resources System; Habitat and Resource Conservation
· Coastal Program
· Contaminants technical assistance for pesticides, oil spills and Superfund sites
· Courses in conservation for adults - National Conservation Training Center

D -
· Duck Stamp homepage, saving wetlands with stamps

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E -
· Endangered Species
· Endangered Species Recovery; Endangered Species Program
· Endangered Species Bulletin
· Endangered Species consultation with Federal Agencies and private landowners, and other partners such as tribes and States
· Endangered Species Grants
· Endangered Species Recovery Plans and monitoring of habitat
· Environmental Contaminants Program
· Environmental Quality Division homepage

F -
· Fish Habitat Action Plan
· Fish Passage Program
· Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act consultation with Agencies
· Friends groups for Refuges

G -
· Grants

· Gulf of Maine Coastal Program resources assessments

H -
· Hydropower Licensing

I -
· images - photographs and drawings, Service image library
· International Grants (Mexico, Latin America and Caribbean, Russia, elephants, great apes, rhinoceros and tigers)
· International Wetlands Program
· Invasive Species program - interagency cooperation and Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force

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J -
· Joint Ventures in the Mountain/Prairie Region
· Junior Duck Stamp Contest

K -
· Service's Kids/Educators Page

L -
· landowners, partnering with to cost-share habitat restoration
· library, Service Conservation Library

· Migratory Bird Management Division

· National Conservation Training Center many wetlands related courses offered
· National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS)
· The Nature of Learning
· Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act matching grants (U.S., Latin America, and Caribbean)
· NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act)
· New York Bight Coastal Program resources assessment
· North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) - wetland grants to organizations and individuals (US, Mexico & Canada)

O -
·Oil spills

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P -
· Partners for Fish and Wildlife program homepage
· Pesticides and Wildlife
· Playa Lakes Joint Venture
· Prairie Pothole Joint Venture

R -
· Rainwater Basin Joint Venture
· Rainwater Basin Wetland Management District, Nebraska, restoring wetlands, birdwatching, public use
· Ramsar International Convention on Wetlands, U.S. Website.
· Realty - buying or leasing habitat for the NWR System
· Refuges - National Wildlife Refuges.
· Restoration Projects:
  · Jackson Lane Preserve, MD

S -
· Schoolyard Habitat
· Shorebirds
· Spatial Data Sources for FWS
· Superfund sites

T -
· Texas Colonial Waterbird Census
· training, Service offered training at the National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV
· Transportation Planning

W -
· Water Quality Issues and contaminants
· Wind Energy Development

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Last updated: April 22, 2009