Submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request online

The form below is designed to help you create a simple FOIA request. Please provide the information requested below so that we can process your request. Once you're done, submit your request by pressing the "Submit Request" button at the bottom of the form. Your request will be sent by e-mail to the NEH Office of General Counsel.

Please note that there may be fees involved in processing your FOIA request. Please consult our FOIA guide on the topic of fees. If you have questions, send e-mail to the NEH FOIA officer.

Part 1:

Personal information

Your name:

Your address:

Your phone number (area code first):

Your e-mail address:

Your organization or affiliation:

Choose one:

Applicant Scholar Author Journalist Other

Part 2:

What you're
looking for

In the area just below, clearly describe the NEH-related documents you would like. Include identifying material, such as names, places, and the period of time about which you are inquiring.

Are you requesting information about a specific NEH program? If so, select it from the list below; if it isn't on the list, enter it in the space provided below.

If none of the above, provide the name of the program here:

I agree to pay the necessary fees to process my FOIA request. If the costs associated with the request are above $25.00, the FOIA Officer will call me first. (Please note: If this box isn't checked, we cannot proceed with your request.)