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Title:  Financial Aid Profile of Graduate Students in Science and Engineering
Description: This report profiles the financial aid received by U.S. graduate students majoring in science and engineering who were enrolled in U.S. postsecondary institutions in the 1995–96 academic year. This report addresses issues such as how science/engineering graduate students financed their education, including their borrowing history and employment status, with occasional comparisons to graduate students in the arts and humanities. Demographic characteristics and previous education are also discussed, comparing science/engineering graduate students with graduate students in the arts/humanities.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: March 2000
Web Release: March 30, 2000
Print Release: This Publication will only be available online.
Publication #: NCES 200011
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCES
Authors: Lawrence K. Kojaku
Type of Product: Working Paper
  Working Papers provide preliminary analysis of substantive, technical, and methodological issues. They are works in progress that are presented to promote the sharing of valuable work experience and knowledge. These papers have not undergone a rigorous review for consistency with NCES standards.
Survey/Program Areas: National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Working Paper, please contact:
Aurora M. D'Amico.
1990 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006, USA
Phone: (202) 502-7300 (map)