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Title:  Effectiveness of Reading and Mathematics Software Products: Findings from Two Student Cohorts
Description: The Effectiveness of Reading and Mathematics Software Products: Findings from Two Student Cohorts reports on the impacts on student achievement of a second year of use of selected software programs in 1st grade reading, 4th grade reading, 6th grade math, and algebra I. The evaluation found no significant difference in student achievement between the classrooms that used the technology products and the classrooms that did not use the technology products, in any of the four groups, in either the first or second year of use by teachers. Only one product, Leap Track in 4th grade, had a statistically significant positive effect on student achievement. The report cleared IES peer review on January 27, 2009.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: February 2009
Web Release: February 17, 2009
Publication #: NCEE 20094041
Center/Program: NCEE
Authors: Larissa Campuzano, Mark Dynarski, Roberto Agodini, and Kristina Rall: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. Audrey Pendleton, Project Officer, Institute of Education Sciences.
Type of Product: Evaluation Report
Questions: For questions about the content of this Evaluation Report, please contact:
Audrey Pendleton.
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