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ET Docket 93-62

Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation

Third Erratum
Adopted: November 7, 1997
Released: November 12, 1997

Erratum to FCC 97-303

Second Erratum
Adopted: October 22, 1997
Released: October 22, 1997

Erratum to FCC 97-303

Adopted: October 10, 1997
Released: October 10, 1997

DA 97-2185 [13 FCC Rcd 7268 (1998)]

Second Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Adopted: August 25, 1997
Released: August 25, 1997

FCC 97-303 [12 FCC Rcd 13494 (1997); 62 FR 47960 (Sept 12, 1997)]

Public Notice
Released: March 6, 1997

Petitions For Reconsideration And Clarification of Action In Rulemaking Proceedings

Mimeo 2178 [62 FR 11195 (3/11/97)]

  • Not available on-line.

First Memorandum Opinion and Order
Adopted: December 23, 1996
Released: December 24, 1996

FCC 96-487 [11 FCC Rcd 17512 (1996); 62 FR 3232 (Jan 22, 1997)]

Report and Order
Adopted: August 1, 1996
Released: August 1, 1996

FCC 96-326 [11 FCC Rcd 15123 (1996); 61 FR 41006 (Aug 7, 1996)]

Order Extending Time for Reply Comments
Adopted: February 17, 1994
Released: February 18, 1994

DA 94-161 [9 FCC Rcd 989 (1994); 59 FR 9171 (Feb 25, 1994)]

Order Extending Time for Comments and Reply Comments
Adopted: January 7, 1994
Released: January 10, 1994

DA 94-34 [9 FCC Rcd 317 (1994); 59 FR 3050 (Jan 20, 1994)]

Order Extending Time for Comments and Reply Comments
Adopted: November 8, 1993
Released: November 9, 1993

DA 93-1350 [9 FCC Rcd 985 (1994); 58 FR 60827 (Nov 18, 1993)]

Order Extending Time for Comments and Reply Comments
Adopted: August 3, 1993
Released: August 4, 1993

DA 93-864 [8 FCC Rcd 5528 (1993); 58 FR 43091 (Aug, 13, 1993)]

  • Not available on-line.

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Adopted: March 11, 1993
Released April 8, 1993

FCC 93-142 [8 FCC Rcd 2849 (1993); 58 FR 19393 (Apr 14, 1993)]

  • Not available on-line.

Last Updated/Reviewed on: Thursday, January 13, 2000 

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