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The Office of Engineering and Technology will host a tutorial by the TDD Coalition on Time Division Duplex (TDD) Technology Monday, December 3 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.

Network Reliability and Interoperability Council to Hold Meeting on January 4, 2002.
[TXT | HTML | Word 97]

Technological Advisory Council to Hold Meeting on December 5, 2001.
[TXT | HTML | Word 97]

Notice of Proposed Rule Making and Order (FCC-01290) Released October 15, 2001.
[TXT | Word 97]

Network Reliability and Interoperability Council to Hold Meeting, October 30, 2001.
[PDF | HTML | Word 97]

Technological Advisory Council holds second meeting under new charter, November 5, 2001.
[PDF | HTML | Word 97]

FCC adopts rules to create a new class of equipment for software defined radios (SDRs)
 [PDF | Text | Word 97]

FCC adopts rules to facilitate deployment of software defined radio technology.
[PDF | Text | Word 97]

Cancelled Technical Advisory Council (TAC) to hold meeting, September 20 2001.
[HTML | Text | Word 97]

OET Offers Two Tutorials On New Spectrally Efficient Techniques, September 7 at 9:30 and 1:30. in Commission Meeting Room
[HTML | Text | Word 97] | Real Audio]

OET Deputy Chief Julius Knapp delivers testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives.
[ Word97 | Acrobat]

FCC Releases Public Notice, Safety Warning Systems, L.C. Waiver Request. "Spectrum Study of 2500-2690 MHz Band: The Potential for Accommodating Third Generation Mobile Systems".
[Text | Word97 | Copy of Waiver (Acrobat)]

Network Reliability and Interoperability Council to Hold Meeting Tuesday June 26, 2001 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Technological Advisory Council to Hold Meeting Wednesday June 13, 2001 Download: Public Notice (Word)

Voice Over IP Networks Technology, an OET Tutorial Download:
[Public Notice (Word) | Powerpoint Presentation (3 KB)]

Graphical Models for Speech Recognition an OET Tutorial Download:
[Public Notice (Word)]

"Scientific Uses of the Spectrum and Spectrum Policy (a tutorial on radio astronomy, earth exploration satellite service and the space research service). Download the public notice:
[Public Notice (Word)]

The Wireless Revolution: A Signal Processing Perspective (a tutorial on statistical signal processing in wireless multiple access communications). View the public notice:
[Public Notice | Powerpoint Presentation]

Proposed Amendments to Part 15 of  Commission Rules to Facilitate Deployment of New High Speed Wireless Devices.  (Wi-LAN, Inc. Application for Certification of an Intentional Radiator Under Part 15 of the Commission's Rules). Download the Futher Notice of Proposed Rule Making here:
[Text File. | Word File]

Rule amendments regarding the modification of the Equipment Authorization process for telephone terminal equipment, implementation of Mutual Recognition Agreements and Begin implementation of the Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite (GMPCS) arrangements. Download the Memorandum Opinion and Order here:
[Word File]

FCC MVDDS to DBS study performed by the MITRE Corporation.Download the Report here: Acrobat PDF File. | Public Notice . Antenna measurements data file provided by MITRE: text file listing contents of alldata.zip   alldata_readme.txt | zipped file alldata.zip (12.5 MB)

DTV Field Test Interim Report: "A Study of ATSC (8-VSB) DTV Coverage in Washington, D.C. and Generational Changes in DTV Receiver Performance"Download the Report here:
[Word File. | Acrobat PDF File]

Third Generation Mobile Systems (3G) Final Report Released, Study on Spectrum in the 2500-2690 MHz Band,
Download the Report here: Word File. | Acrobat PDF File.
Report Appendices: Word File. | Acrobat PDF File.
NTIA Companion 3G Report NTIA 3G Wireless Page

Revisions to Broadcast Auxiliary Service Rules. Download the Notice of Proposed Rule Making here (FCC 01-92):
[Text File. | Word File]

Tutorial on Operating Support Systems, March 15, at 9:30 in the Commission's Meeting Room, Download the Item here:
[Word File. | Text file]

Fourth Erratum ET Docket 98-206, RM-9147, RM-9245, Download the Item here: Word File.

Order Granting Extension of Time regarding the reallocation of the 216-220 MHz government Transfer Bands, Download the Order here:
[Word File. | Text file]

Public Notice--Docket ET98-153 Comments Requested on Test Data Submitted by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Regarding Potential Interference from Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems, Download the Public Notice here:
[Word Version | Text Version]

Public Notice-- DA 01-172 ET00-221"FCC Encourages Comment on NTIA Proposed Reimbursement Rules", Download the Document here:
[Word Version | Text Version]

Memorandum Opinion and Order--FCC 01-030 Amendment to Allocate the Band 33-36GHz to the Fixed Satellite Service for Federal Government Use, Download the Memorandum here:
[Word Version | Text Version]

ERRATA-- Docket ET00-258 Erratum issued. Download the Document here: Word Version | Acrobat (PDF) Version.

Memorandum Opinion and Order--FCC 01-030 Amendment to Allocate the Band 33-36GHz to the Fixed Satellite Service for Federal Government Use, Download the Memorandum here:
[Word Version | Text Version]

ERRATA-- Docket ET98-206 Second Erratum issued. Download the Document here:
[Word Version | Acrobat (PDF) Version]

NPRM Release-- FCC releases a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that explores possible use of Spectrum For New Advanced Wireless Systems Download the NPRM here:
[Word Version | Acrobat (PDF) Version]

News Release-- FCC Looks to Allocate Additional Spectrum For New Advanced Wireless Systems Download the Item here:
[Word Version | Text Version]

last reviewed/updated 2/27/08

If you have questions about this web page, or would like more information pertaining to OET, please send e-mail to oetinfo@fcc.gov

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