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Report and Order -- Amendment to Allocate Additional spectrum to the Inter-Satellite, Fixed, and Mobile Services and to Permit Unlicensed Devices to Use Certain Segments in the 50.2-50.4 GHz and 51.4-71.0 GHz Bands Download the Item here:
[Word Version | Text Version]

NPRM Seeks Comment on Authorization and Use of Software Defined Radios. Download the Item here:
[Word Version | Text Version. | PDF Version]

FCC Makes Spectrum Available for New Fixed Satellite Services at Ku-band; Seeks Comment on Licensing New Fixed Service at 12 GHz. Download the Item here:
[Word Version | Text Version. | PDF Version]

Secondary Markets Spectrum Initiative Policy Statement. Download the Statement here:
[Word Version | Text Version. | PDF Version]

Preliminary Report: Interference Immunities of Subsidary Communications Authorization (SCA) FM Broadcast Receivers (Word version). Download the report here: Word Version. PDF Version.
Letter from the Chief Engineer of OET regarding the SCA report. Word Version. PDF Version.

Technical Standards for Determining Eligibility for Satellite Delivered Network Signals Pursuant to the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act (Word file). Download the Order here:
[Word Version | Text Version.]

NPRM Reallocation of Government Transfer Bands. Download the NPRM here:
[Word Version | PDF Version]

Telecommunications Network Security and Reliability in the 21st Century. Download the PN here:
[Word Version | Text Version]

Tutorial on Telecommunications Network Security. Download the PN here:
[Word Version | Text Version]

Commission Seeks Comment to Update the Record in the CALEA Technical Capabilities Proceeding. Download the PN here:
[Word Version. Text Version]

FCC Releases Public Notice, Safety Warning Systems, L.C. Waiver Request. "Spectrum Study of 2500-2690 MHz Band: The Potential for Accommodating Third Generation Mobile Systems".
[Text | Word97 | Copy of Waiver (Acrobat)]

Application for Review filed by Wi-Lan, Inc. Accepted. Download the PN here:
[Word Version | Text Version]

Conference on Telecommunications Network Security and Reliablility in the 21st Century. Download the PN here:
[Word Version | Text Version]

Order Granting an Extension of Time to File Reply Comments. (Revision of the Commission's Rules Regarding Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems). Download the Order here:
[Word Version | Text version]

FCC Will No Longer Accept Equipment Authorization Applications for Class B Computers and Peripherals that can be Self Approved. Download the PN here:
[Word Version | Text version]

OET Extends Effective Date of Antenna Connector Requirement Indefinitelty. Download the PN here:
[Word Version | Text version]

"Perspectives on the Next Generation of Communications" (word document), remarks by Dale N. Hatfield before Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2000.

Order Amending the Commission's Rules Regarding the Radionavigation Service. Word Version. Text version. Order, FCC 00-353.

Technological Advisory Council to hold meeting on September 27, 2000, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in the Commission Meeting Room, FCC 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington D.C. View agenda here.

Order Denying an Extension of Time to File Comments (In the Matter of Part 15 Revision Regarding Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems. Word Version. Text Version. Order, DA 00-2095.

Office of Engineering and Technology declares UTSTARCOM and Drew University Request for Waiver of Part 15 for Operation in the 1910-1920 MHz Band to be a Permit-But-Disclose Proceeding for Ex Parte Purposes. Public Notice, DA No.00-2061.
[Word Version | Text version]

The Chief of the Office of Engineering and Technology responds to the Subcommittee on Telecommunications request to provide recommendations on what Congress should do between the present and the year 2006 to expedite the DTV transition. --Correspondence (Word document).

Commission Amends Part 15 of Rules to Facilitate Technology for High Speed Wireless Services --News Release (Word document) August 31, 2000. Download the item here:
[Word Version | Text version]

Reminder of September 1, 2000, Deadline for Compliance With Regulations for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Emissions, (Word document) Public Notice, DA 00-1950. Text version here

National Reliability and Interoperability Council (NRIC) releases minutes of last meeting. (Word file). Download the minutes here:
[Word Version | Text Version]

Network Reliability and Interoperability Council to Hold Meeting, Public Notice, DA 00-1700. View agenda here. (Word document)

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information is available at OET's RF Safety Webpage.

Commission Denies Petition for Reconsideration of Waivers to Part 15 to Allow UWB Operations. Order, FCC No.00-029.

FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology to Host Forum on 90 GHz Technologies. Public Notice, DA No.00-1504.

Part 15 Unlicensed Modular Transmitter Approval. Public Notice, DA No.00-1407.

OET Extends Effective Date of Antenna Connector Requirement. Public Notice, DA No. 00-1391.

"Software Defined Radio: A Regulator's Perspective", remarks by Dale N. Hatfield before the SDR Forum 19th General Meeting.

"The Role of Amateur Radio in the New Century", remarks by Dale N. Hatfield before the Amatuer Radio Research and Development Corporation's 25th Anniversary Dinner.

OET and CCB Announce the Designation of Telecommunication Certification Bodies (TCBs). Public Notice, DA No. 00-1223.

FCC Announces Agenda for Public Forum on Secondary Markets in Radio Spectrum. Public Notice, DA No. 00-862.

In the Matter of Revision of Part 15 of the Commission's Rules Regarding Ultra-wideband Transmission Systems. Proposed amending Part 15 of the Commission's rules to pave the way for new types of products incorporating ultra-wideband technology. Dkt No.: ET-98-153. Action by the Commission.

Erratum to Year 2000 Deadline for Compliance with Commisison's Regulations Regarding Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Emissions Released February 25, 2000. Public Notice, DA No 00-912.

FCC Announces Public Forum on Secondary Markets in Radio Spectrum. Public Notice, DA No. 00-862.

Filing and Measurement Guidelines for Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Systems. Public Notice, DA No. 00-705.

FCC Begins Inquiry Regarding Software Defined Radio NOI, Dkt No OET-00-47. The FCC asked for public comment on a new generation of radio equipment under development that can be quickly reprogrammed to transmit and receive on any frequency within a wide range using virtually any transmission format.

Inquiry Regarding Software Defined Radios, Dkt No.: ET- 00-47. Initiated inquiry to obtain comments from the public on a variety of issues related to software defined radios.

Office of Engineering and Technology Extends Deadline for Submitting Information on Medical Telemetry Equipment Operating in the 450-460 MHz Band until March 31, 2000 Public Notice.

Year 2000 Deadline for Compliance with FCC's Regulations Regarding Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Emissions. FCC issues Public Notice to remind all licensees and grantees of September 1, 2000, final deadline for compliance with rules on human exposure to radiofrequency emissions.

last reviewed/updated 2/27/08

If you have questions about this web page, or would like more information pertaining to OET, please send e-mail to oetinfo@fcc.gov

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