Gray Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains
Mountain-Prairie Region

Wyoming Gray Wolf Recovery Status Report

From:               USFWS Wyoming Wolf Recovery Project Leader, Jackson, WY

Subject:            Status of Gray Wolf Management in Wyoming and the NRM

WYOMING WOLF WEEKLY- Feb. 9, 2009 through Feb. 20, 2009

Web Address – USFWS reports (past weekly and annual reports) can be viewed at . Weekly reports for Montana and Idaho are produced by those States and can be viewed on the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and Idaho Department of Fish and Game websites. All weekly and annual reports are government property and can be used for any purpose.  Please distribute as you see fit.

Annual Reports
The Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2008 Annual Report will be completed by early March 2009 and will be available at: .
Status of the NRM wolf delisting rule 
As every new administration since Reagan has done, the Obama administration has put a hold on all new federal regulations that weren't finalized before Jan. 20.  Therefore, both the final NRM and WGL wolf delisting rules were withdrawn from publication pending further review by the new administration.  After further review three basic things could happen and could happen to either rule independently of the other.  The DOI/USFWS could decide to; 1) Re-submit to be published as written;  2) Modify or conduct further action before publication; 3)  Not publish them in order to take another course of action.  At this time the DOI/USFWS is reviewing all its options.  There is currently no timeframe predicted to make these decisions but they are a high priority within the USFWS.

From Feb. 11-13, USFWS biologists aerial darted and radio collard 15 wolves near Jackson, WY. Nine VHF collars and 6 Argos GPS collars were placed on wolves from 3 different packs. All 5 wolves collared in the Antelope Pack had significant hair loss and skin irritation, indicating they were possibly infected with mange. None of the captured wolves from the other 2 packs displayed signs on mange. We will continue routine winter capture and collaring efforts in Wyoming until the end of March.       
On 2/19/08, Wyoming WS investigated 2 dead calves found on private property south of Casper, WY.  Both calves died from causes other than predation. Based on numerous reports, we believe >2 wolves have settled in the area.  WS will set traps in an effort to radio collar > 1 wolf.

Nothing to report at this time.

Law Enforcement and Related Activities
Nothing to report at this time.

Outreach and Education
Nothing to report at this time.

Further Information
To request an investigation of livestock injured or killed by wolves, please contact the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Wildlife Services at (307)261-5336.

For additional information, please contact:
Ed Bangs (406)449-5225 x204 or Ed_Bangs@FWS.GOV

Mike Jimenez (307)733-7096 or (307)330-5631 or  Mike_Jimenez@FWS.GOV
Last updated: February 23, 2009