BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Peru Local time: 05:27 PM

Business Service Providers

If you are planning to do business in Peru, you will soon find yourself looking for local business service providers that you can trust. The U.S. Commercial Service in Lima has carefully chosen a select group of qualified local providers that guarantee English language service and business experience with U.S. companies.

Inclusion in the list in no way entails endorsement of the firm or its employees by the United States Government. Most of the information listed after each firm has been provided by the company, itself. While the Commercial Service endeavors to collect highly negative or positive information about these firms, users of this list should endeavor to confirm bona fides, separately. Additionally, there are likely many qualified firms which we have not yet been able to incorporate in the list.

**Please note that this does not constitute an endorsement of our preference for any of these firms by the U.S. Commercial Service in Peru.