BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Silicon Valley (San Jose)

About the Business Service Provider Directory

Logo and banner for BSP program

Many of the thousands of exporters we assist every year seek trade-related services such as shipping, freight forwarding, logistics, legal, translation, and consulting. To provide information regarding such services to exporters, we have created the Business Service Provider Directory, which conveniently categorizes and features profiles of companies that offer trade facilitation services.

Increased Visibility

If you or your company provides goods or services that facilitate U.S. exports, please consider adding a profile to our directory as it may enhance your visibility in the local, national, and international trade community. For a low annual subscription fee of $300, your company's profile, including contact information and logo, will be placed in the directory on this website, which is linked to hundreds of U.S. Department of Commerce sites around the world. Click here for a sample profile.

Activating your BSP Directory

Click here for our BSP policies and guidelines. Click here for an on-line registration form or see below for a downloadable registration form that can be faxed or mailed to our office.

Fax/Mail Form to Request BSP Listing


If you have questions regarding the BSP Directory, please contact Ms. Gabriela Zelaya, International Trade Specialist, Silicon Valley U.S. Export Assistance Center at 408-535-2757, ext. 107 or .