BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Panama Local time: 05:19 PM

Our services

The U.S. Commercial Service in Panama offers a wide range of services to U.S. firms interested in entering the Panamanian market.

Initial trade advice is available at no cost to U.S. business visitors to Panama. Our staff can provide valuable guidance and current information in individual briefings.

Contact Lists

Market your firm directly to Panamanian companies! Order our customized Contact List. We provide you with up-to-date contact information on as many as ten Panamanian firms that fit the profile you provide us. more...

Customized Market Research

Do you need answers to specific questions on the Panamanian market for your products or services? We can provide information tailored to your needs. more...

International Partner Search

This service promotes U.S. exports by helping you gain effective representation in Panama. more...

Pre-Arranged Meetings

Planning a business trip to Panama? We will help you make the most of your visit by introducing you to pre-screened and pre-qualified Panamanian companies that are sincerely interested in meeting with you. more...