BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Bolivia Local time: 04:32 PM

How We Help U.S. Companies

The U.S. Embassy’s commercial section provides a variety of services to U.S. companies interested in exporting goods and services to Bolivia. Our commercial specialists can provide guidance on market conditions and opportunities, advocate on your behalf, assist with market analysis and research, and put you in touch with potential business partners. We provide the following services:

Consulting and Advocacy

Having difficulties bidding on an international tender? Problems with your Bolivian client or partner? Trouble getting paid?

Our commercial specialists can help resolve disputes with Bolivian firms and advocate on your behalf to help overcome trade barriers, bureaucratic problems, and unfair trade practices, enabling you to settle your differences through friendly negotiations and ensuring that your company has the best possible chance to sell its products and services in Bolivia.

Market Research

Need customized information to determine your product’s potential?

We can research the marketability of your product or service and provide information on the prices of comparable goods, appropriate distribution channels, possible market entry barriers, potential business partners, and more.

Finding International Partners

International Company Profile (ICP)

Need background information on a Bolivian company?

International Company Profiles provide background reports on local firms. Our commercial specialists can analyze the overall strength of a company and provide information collected from industry contacts, local press, and other sources. Reports like these are required by many export financing organizations.

We provide:

  • A detailed background report on a prospective Bolivian sales representative or partner in 10 business days or less
  • A listing of the company's senior management
  • Banking and other financial information about the company
  • Our insight on whether the prospective partner can meet your needs
  • Our opinion as to the strength of the company versus its competitors
  • Our insight into the strength of the industry in your target market

International Partner Search (IPS)

Want to increase sales through distributors and other strategic partners?

International Partner Searches put our commercial specialists to work finding suitable licensees, distributors, agents, and strategic partners. You provide marketing materials and background on your company, and we identify potential partners and provide detailed descriptions of up to five pre-screened firms.

You will:

  • Save valuable time and money by working only with pre-screened potential partners that best meet your needs
  • Receive detailed information about prospective partners, plus key information about the marketability of your products and services
  • Get all this information in just 15 working days
  • Have the choice of contacting interested firms on your own or requesting additional assistance through our Gold Key Service

Gold Key Business Appointment Service (GKS)

Interested in meeting pre-screened potential clients and/or partners?

Get the most out of your next business trip by scheduling meetings in advance. The Gold Key Service is a customized service for finding potential agents, distributors, sales representatives, and other business partners.

You will receive:

  • Assistance with travel, accommodations, and translations
  • Appointments with potential clients and/or business partners
  • Customized market and industry briefings with Embassy staff in advance of business meetings
  • Market research on your industry sector
  • Video conference options if your schedule does not permit international travel
  • Post-meeting debriefings with Embassy staff to discuss meeting results and develop appropriate follow-up strategies

Trade Events

Want to get the attention of major Bolivian players in your industry?

We can help you or your local representative organize a product launch, technical workshop, cocktail reception, or other event. We can also help you obtain preferential rates at hotels and other venues.

Our commercial specialists support U.S. pavilions in select Bolivian trade shows and provide counseling and other support to U.S. exhibitors. One-on-one matching with potential buyers can help you generate sales and establish long-term business relationships.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information on any of our services.