BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Export Facts and Statistics

General - why businesses should consider exporting

  • 95% of the world's population is outside of the United States, which represents 70% of the world's purchasing power. Businesses that only sell goods within the United States miss out on huge sales potential    
  • Exporting enables companies to diversify their portfolios and to stay strong during changes in economic climates. In other words, the company's success does not rely on the performance of a single economy
  • Businesses that choose not to export run the risk of allowing a foreign competitor to enter their market and steal market share
  • Recent free trade agreements have drastically reduced barriers to trade. The North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and many other FTAs have created an ideal trade climate
  • Small and medium-sized exporters make up about 97% of all U.S. exports
  • Nearly 20% of all manufacturing jobs in the United States have a high dependency on exports     

National export trends

  • The United States exported $1,162,708,293,000 worth of goods to all other countries in 2007. This represents an increase of over 10% from 2006 
  • The US's largest export markets are Canada, Mexico, China, Japan, and the United Kingdom  

Utah export trends

  • Utah exported $7,811,528,625 worth of goods during 2007. This represents an increase of 90% from the 2003 level of $4.1 billion 
  • The largest export sector was primary metal manufactures. It accounted for $3,222,119,519 or 41.2% of the total
  • Other strong sectors include computers and electronic products, transportation equipment, and mining. These sectors combined account for nearly 30% of all Utah exports
  • 2,236 businesses exported goods from Utah in 2006. The vast majority (85%) of these businesses were small or medium-size
  • Utah's highest volume trade partner is the United Kingdom. Local businesses exported about $2,382,394,000 worth of goods to the U.K. in 2007
  • Canada, Switzerland, Japan, Belgium, China, and India are Utah's other large export markets
  • Over 14.8% of all Utah manufacturing workers depend on exports for their jobs

Source: International Trade Administration
