Glossary of Terms

Appleton Group - A municipal economic development corporation in Appleton, MN.

Bureau of Prisons- Federal Prison System.

Central Detention Facility - The D.C. jail operated by the Department of Corrections.

Central Facility- One of seven prison facilities operated by the District of Columbia as part of the Lorton Complex.

Classification system- An assessment process to determine a prisoner's security and/or custody level.

Close custody- Higher security classification for prisoners.

Complex - Seven separate prison facilities located in Northern Virginia that house Department of Corrections prisoners.

Correctional Treatment Facility - A correctional facility located adjacent to the D.C. jail but operated by Corrections Corporation of America.

Gassing - The use of chemical agents.

High custody - A custody classification at the higher range.

High-medium - A custody classification at the higher range of medium.

High security unit - A housing unit for high security prisoners.

Lock-down - Securing a correctional facility or unit by restricting prisoner movement to their housing area.

Lorton Complex - see Complex.

Maximum Facility - One of seven prison facilities operated by the District of Columbia as part of the Lorton Complex.

Maximum Security - Highest range of security constraints for classifying prisoners or prison facilities.

Medium Facility - One of seven Lorton prison facilities

Medium Security - Middle range of security constraints for classifying prisoners or prison facilities.

National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act - Enacted by Congress in 1997 to undertake a major review of organization and management of the District of Columbia's public agencies.

Occoquan Facility - One of seven prison facilities operated by the District of Columbia as part of the Lorton Complex.

Office of the Corrections Trustee - Created by the National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act to provide financial oversight to the District of Columbia's Department of Corrections, facilitate the closure of Lorton, and ensure Department of Corrections maintains a viable correctional system.

Post Orders - Refers to general policies and procedures used for specific security posts throughout a prison facility.

Pulitzer-Bogard and Associates - Consultant firm hired by District of Columbia Department of Corrections to provide on-site monitoring at Northeast Ohio Correctional Center.

Reclassification - An assessment process augmented by the prisoner's institutional adjustment and progress.

Review Team - Refers to the participants who conducted the in-depth inquiry into the Northeast Ohio Correctional Center on behalf of the Office of the Corrections Trustee.

Segregation unit - A secure housing unit for separating prisoners.

Sentenced felon - A prisoner's status after conviction and sentencing for a major criminal violation.

Separatees - Prisoners identified who require to be separated from other prisoner(s).

Single cell capacity - One prisoner housed per cell.

Special Officer of the Court - Established by the Federal Courts in the District of Columbia to oversee and monitor court order compliance for the Department of Corrections.

Supermax - The highest security facility.

Youth Center Facility - One of seven prison facilities operated by the District of Columbia as part of the Lorton Complex.

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