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Parties filing comments in this nondocketed proceeding should include the Policy Division internal  Y-reference number, CCBPol 9609 , on their pleadings. The MFS petition is available for inspection and copying in the Common Carrier Bureau's Public Reference Room, Room 575, 2000 M Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. Copies can also be obtained from ITS by calling (202) 8573800.  Y`- F5 X xWe will treat this proceeding as nonrestricted for purposes of the Commission's #Xu&_ x7E:XX#ex#Xw PE37}XP#  YK-#Xu&_ x7E:XX#parte#Xw PE37}XP# rules. #Xu&_ x7E:XX#See generally#Xw PE37}XP# 47 C.F.R.  1.12001.1216. For further information contact Janice Myles, Policy and Program Planning Division, Common Carrier Bureau, at (202) 4181577. ? FCC x" 0*((@ "  X- $// PN, MFS' Pet. for Reconsideration DA 961102 //$  X- $/ 47 CFR Section 1.106 /$  X- "FOR RECORD ONLY"