BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Export FAQs

FAQ Question Mark

FAQs provide basic information on a wide range of questions asked by exporters, including how to locate and obtain market information, financing, and trade leads.  The information below is not provided as a substitute for hands on consultation and assistance, but is designed to address some the questions most frequently asked questions on exporting product from the USA. Check back from time to time for updates.  For additional information and guidance, please contact the U.S. Commercial Service's U.S. Export Assistance Center in Utah at 801-255-1871.

Click on each question to get to the answer

1. How do I begin an export business?
2. What should I consider when making the decision to begin exporting?
3. How do I obtain market research for a specific country and/or product?
4. Where can I obtain information on foreign markets and trade opportunities for agricultural products?
5. How do I locate trade leads for my exporting business? How do I locate potential distributors in overseas markets?
6. Does the Federal Government have any programs to help advertise my products overseas?
7. How can I receive information on foreign regulations, standards or certification requirements for my product?
8. Is there a tariff or quota that applies to my product in a foreign country?What is a Harmonized Tariff System Classification (Schedule B) Number? How do I determine my Schedule B Number?
9. Where can I find statistics on U.S. Exports and Imports?
10. How can I find export financing?
11. Do I need an export license to ship my product to a particular market? How do I get a license?
12. Where can I find information on trade sanctions and other U.S. export controls?
13. Do you have lists of American manufacturers and suppliers? Do you have lists of other U.S. importers and exporters? Do you have lists of export trading/export management companies?
14. Where can I find a list of foreign companies in a particular industry or sector?
15. How do I find information about a particular overseas company?
16. Are there any sources of legal assistance for people who are new to exporting?
17. How can I find out about investment practices in a certain country?
18. How can I get information on importing products into the United States?
