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Building An Automated Record System


*bullet* Title Page
*bullet* Letter: Building An Automated Record System
*bullet* Bibliographic Information
*bullet* Introduction
*bullet* Purpose of this Booklet
*bullet* Contents of this Booklet
*bullet* Description of Student Records
*bullet* Description of a Student Record System
*bullet* Benefits of a Well-Designed Automated Student Record System
*bullet* Summary
*bullet* Resource List
*bullet* View a PDF Version of this Publication

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*bullet* Steps for Designing and Implementing an Automated Student Record System
*bullet* Step 1: Determine the desired uses of the student record system
*bullet* Step 2: Identify federal, state, and local regulations affecting the maintenance of student records
*bullet* Step 3: Select the overall contents of the student record system
*bullet* Step 4: Select the data elements to be kept in the student record system
*bullet* Step 5: Select a system for assigning a unique identifier to each student
*bullet* Step 6: Determine the physical design of the student record system
*bullet* Step 7: Identify the format for the data within the student record system
*bullet* Step 8: Determine how you will enter or import data into the student record system.
*bullet* Step 9: Determine your procedures for providing access to the system
*bullet* Step 10: Plan ways to ensure the integrity of the data in the student record system
*bullet* Step 11: Plan procedures for doing standard and ad hoc analysis and reporting
*bullet* Step 12: Develop procedures for appropriate reporting of student data

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