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Открытый мир награждает сертификатами за успешное сотрудничество представителей принимающей стороны в музее Ошкоша, штат Висконсин (на английском)
10 Июля 2008 г.

Для немедленного распространения

Congressman Thomas E. Petri to Attend

OSHKOSH, WI – The Open World Leadership Center at the Library of Congress, an independent Legislative Branch agency working to increase U.S.-Eurasian understanding and partnerships, will host a recognition award ceremony on Saturday, July 12 in conjunction with the kick-off of the Oshkosh Public Museum’s The Tsar and the President exhibition. The awards ceremony will celebrate the exceptional support to the Open World Program by seven local hosts from throughout Wisconsin. Also being honored is Open World national grantee World Services of La Crosse, Inc.

Ambassador John O’Keefe, executive director of the Open World Program, will present the Wisconsin hosts with certificates on behalf of Dr. James H. Billington, Open World Board of Trustees Chairman and Librarian of Congress.

Open World’s national grantees are competitively selected non-governmental organizations and non-profits; local hosts provide professional grassroots programming as well as home stays for individual delegates. The work of the national grantees and local hosts are integral to the Open World Program.

Open World has introduced more than 13,000 current and future decision makers from Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union to American political and civic life, and to their American counterparts. Open World delegates range from first-time mayors to veteran journalists, from nonprofit directors to small-business advocates, and from political activists to judges at all levels.

In addition to Russia, Open World also operates dynamic programs in Ukraine and has expanded to Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, and Tajikistan. The U.S. Congress established Open World in 1999 to enhance understanding and capabilities for cooperation between the United States and Russia. Open World promotes partnerships and continued communications between delegates and their American hosts and professional counterparts.

For more information contact Maura Shelden at or visit our website at

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