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Endocrine Disruptor Methods Validation Advisory Committee (EDMVAC)

In 2001, the Endocrine Disruptor Methods Validation Subcommittee (EDMVS) was established as a subcommittee under the auspices of EPA's National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT). The mission of EDMVS was to provide technical input to EPA for the assays recommended by EDSTAC, and critically examine each step of the validation process for the assays. NACEPT and its EDMVS worked to ensure that scientifically-sound assays are developed for animal- and non-animal-based endocrine disruptor screens and tests during the validation process. NACEPT and EDMVS also ensured that people and organizations have the opportunity to comment and express their concerns and issues associated with the assays and processes.

Most recently, the Endocrine Disruptor Methods Validation Advisory Committee (EDMVAC) was formed to replace EDMVS. The EDMVAC will continue to function like EDMVS by providing advice and recommendations to EPA on scientific and technical aspects of the Tier I screens and Tier II assays being considered for the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program. The committee will evaluate relevant scientific issues, protocols, data, and interpretations of the data for the assays during the validation process. EDMVAC will also provide advice on the composition of the Tier I screening battery.

EDMVAC members have expertise in mammalian, ecological, and in vitro endocrine disruptor screening and testing methods; toxicity test methods standardization and validation; and/or chemical and pesticide regulatory processes. EDMVAC members represent the agrichemical and commodity chemical industries, environmental organizations, public health organizations, academia, animal welfare organizations, federal agencies, and state governments.

EDMVAC will hold three or four meetings per year in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)/NACEPT rules. At these meetings EDMVAC members will review pre-validation and validation reports and data for all the assays/tests, review protocols, review study plans, and provide recommendations on animal welfare issues.

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