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Search Results: (1-7 of 7 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NFES 2009804 Every School Day Counts. The Forum Guide to Collecting and Using Attendance Data
This Forum guide offers best practice suggestions on collecting and using student attendance data to improve performance. It includes a standard set of codes to make attendance data comparable across districts and states. There are real-life examples of how attendance information has been used by school districts.
NFES 2008802 Managing an Identity Crisis: Forum Guide to Implementing New Federal Race and Ethnicity Categories
This Guide provides information about the 1997 standards and suggestions about how to implement them at the state and school district level. It covers developing policies and procedures, communicating with staff and the public, re-identification, and coding, storing, reporting, and bridging data.
NFES 2007801 Forum Guide to Core Finance Data Elements
This document provides an overview of key finance data terms. It also covers the 2 NCES public school finance surveys: the state-level National Public Education Financial Survey and the School District Finance Survey (or F-33). Differences and similarities between the two surveys are described. Chapter 3 contains definitions for key finance data elements. Chapter 4 contains a listing and defininitons of key finance indicators and economic adjustment indexes.
NFES 2007808 Forum Curriculum for Improving Education Data: A Resource for Local Education Agencies
This curriculum supports efforts to improve the quality of education data by serving as training materials for K-12 school and district staff. It provides lesson plans, instructional handouts, and related resources, and presents concepts necessary to help schools develop a culture for improving data quality.
NFES 2006804 Accounting for Every Student: A Taxonomy for Standard Student Exit Codes
Today’s public education agencies are being held accountable for student achievement to an unprecedented extent. The current focus on student outcomes—particularly the attention given to graduation and dropout rates—has highlighted the importance of collecting accurate data at the student level. Comprehensive information systems need standard codes to place students who enroll in a specific school within a given district, and to subsequently track any changes in those students’ enrollment status. This guidebook presents “best practice” advice, from members of the National Forum on Education Statistics, for maintaining such information. It was developed to help education agencies develop effective information systems for tracking the enrollment status of students. It is primarily for data managers and accountability directors at state and local education agencies, as well as school administrators responsible for collecting student enrollment and exit data. In addition, researchers and policymakers will find the guidebook useful in making fair comparisons among schools and agencies on issues related to student enrollment, retention, and completion.
NFES 2005802 Forum Guide to Education Indicators
The Forum Guide to Education Indicators provides encyclopedia-type entries for 44 commonly used education indicators. Each indicator entry contains a definition, recommended uses, usage caveats and cautions, related policy questions, data element components, a formula, commonly reported subgroups, and display suggestions. The document will help readers better understand how to appropriately develop, apply, and interpret commonly used education indicators.
NFES 2005801 Forum Guide to Building a Culture of Quality Data: A School & District Resource
Quality data, like quality students, come from schools. Recently, there has been a growing awareness that effective teaching, efficient schools, and quality data are related. The quality of information used to develop an instructional plan, run a school, plan a budget, or place a student in a class depends upon the school data clerk, teacher, counselor, and/or school secretary who enter data into a computer. This document offers recommendations to staff in schools and school districts about best practices for data entry — getting things right at the source.
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