FSIO FMLoB Software Testing

Contact FSIO

FSIO needs your feedback. Whether you have comments About Us or archived JFMIP reports, activities, or this website, please let us know of your concerns and your plaudits.

By E-mail

Please send your comments to the appropriate staff member:

Dianne Copeland

Doris Chew
Deputy Director

Dale Miller

Susan Murphy
Core Requirements and Tests

Donna Tebeau
Administrative Assistant


By Mail

1800 F St. N.W., Rm 1234
Washington DC 20405

By Telephone/Fax

Office: 202/219-0526
Fax: 202/219-0549

Technical Issues or Problems with this Website?

Gordon Dean


Financial Management in Transition - Logo

Thank You For Attending this year's Federal Financial Management Conference

Slides from the Conference
Please note that powerpoint slides for Neil Barofsky, Special IG for TARP and for Robert Andary from the DC government, will not be posted.

If you did not complete your CPE form at the conference, you may download a CPE form.
Please mail the original form with a signature to:

Graduate School, USDA
Federal FM Conference
600 Maryland Avenue SW
Suite 320, (IH)
Washington, DC 20024-2520

A CPE certification for the Conference will be mailed back after the Graduate School, USDA verifies
payment and attendance at this Conference. The certificate should be mailed out within 6 weeks. If you
have not received the certificate by May, please email isabelle_howes@grad.usda.gov or call 202.314.3713.
For those who use government purchase order for payment, this may take longer.