National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity

What's New
Traditionally, the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity meets twice a year in June and December. As a result of the changes made in the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), the Committee will not be meeting in June 2009. Meetings of the Committee will resume once the Committee has been re-established pursuant to the requirements of the HEOA. Once a meeting date for the next meeting has been established, a notice will be published in the Federal Register and an announcement will be posted here.

The National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI), an advisory committee existing pursuant to Section 114 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, was established under the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 (Public Law 102-325).

Section 106 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), Public Law 110-315, changed the structure of the NACIQI. The HEOA replaced a 15 member NACIQI that was appointed by the Secretary of Education (Secretary) with an 18 member NACIQI that will be appointed equally by the House, the Senate, and the Secretary. The HEOA specifies that the terms of all NACIQI members serving as of the HEOA's enactment date, August 14, 2008, expired on that date; that no new members can be appointed until January 31, 2009; and that no meetings can be conducted in the interim. Thus, no December 2008 meeting was permitted.


The NACIQI advises the Secretary of Education on matters related to accreditation and to the eligibility and certification process for institutions of higher education. Specifically, NACIQI provides recommendations to the Secretary of Education regarding:

Information on the Secretary's criteria for recognition of accrediting agencies is available at:



The NACIQI meets twice a year in the Washington, DC metropolitan area and the meetings are open to the public.


Spring Meeting - June 9, 2008 - The Liaison Capitol Hill at 415 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Washington, D. C. Tel (202) 638-1616

  • Call for Comments | download files PDF
  • Meeting Notice | download files PDF
  • Meeting Notice | download files PDF
  • For more information, please contact the NACIQI's Executive Director at (202) 219-7009.


    Last Modified: 04/22/2009