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FCC Form 477 Technical Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

FAQs are added and may be updated from time to time, so each item is dated with the most recent update.

These FAQs clarify technical aspects of using the new web-based Form 477 filing system.  They are not a substitute for carefully reviewing the Form 477 instructions. (“Who must file?” etc.)

Form 477 filers with questions not addressed in these FAQs may send them to 477Info@fcc.gov.


1.  When will the new web-based system be effective?

The new system is effective for the first semi-annual filing of the revised form, for which the filing deadline has been extended to Monday, March 16, 2009, by FCC order.   03/05/2009 

2.  When, and where, will the electronic filing link be activated?

The electronic filing link is active now.   02/24/2009


1.  What does "Accessible Version" mean on the Login page?

The accessible version is a version of the Web-based system designed for ease of use with screen reading applications for the visually impaired.  Leave the default option on the Login page set at "No" unless you require such a version.  03/05/2009

2.  Is there a particular format for entering the FRN on the Login page?

Yes. Enter the FRN without dashes or spaces.  02/24/2009

3.  May filers use the same FRN to file regulatory fees and to prepare and submit Form 477?

Yes.  02/12/2009

4.  How can I obtain an FRN and password to use for logging into the system?

To obtain a new FRN, filers can use the FCC Registration Number (FRN) Commission Registration System (CORES) link in the left-hand index bar on the main FCC home page or the “FRN” link at the bottom of the Form 477 Login page.  Once at the “FCC Registration” webpage, click on the “Register” option to apply for an FRN and password.  Filers can also use an existing FRN and associated password if they already have one.  03/05/2009

5.  I have an FRN, but how do I find its password?

Click on the “Update” option at the FCC Registration Number (FRN) Commission Registration System (CORES) link.  If you have previously provided a Personal Security Question and Answer, you will be able to use the “online password reset” option to select a new password.  If you have not done this, you may wish to contact Technical Support at toll-free number 1-877-480-3201 and select option #1 from the menu for password reset assistance (Mon-Fri 8:00am-6:00pm ET).  03/05/2009


1.  How do I know if my FCC Form 477 submission was successfully submitted?

Your submission was successful if "Original - Submitted" or "Revised - Submitted" appears in the left-hand "Status" column of the main menu for that particular FRN and Company, which can be reached by using the "Form 477 Home" link. Your submission was not successful if "Original - In Progress" or "Revised - In Progress" appears in the "Status" column.  03/12/2009

2.  Must a separate Certification Statement be submitted?

No.  When a particular submission has been officially submitted to the FCC as complete, and the Web-based electronic filing system has accepted it, the official (corporate officer, managing partner, or sole proprietor) listed on line 10 of the Submission Cover Page is deemed to have certified that submission.  See the “Certification of Filing Accuracy” paragraph on page 19 of the Form 477 Instructions, and item 10 on the Submission Cover Page, for more information.  03/05/2009

3.  Is there a summary print-out page?

No.  The current Form 477 filing system does not have a summary print-out page. However, you can print a copy of individual screens to keep for your records.  03/05/2009


1.  If a company has more than one FRN, which one should be used?

This is up to the company, and companies still have the same choices they have always had for consolidating filings or making multiple filings.  The only restriction is that each Form 477 submission in the new web-based system must be uniquely identified by: 

  • FRN;
  • Type of operations (ILEC or non-ILEC); and
  • State.  03/05/2009 

2.  If an ILEC operation has to file for two entities within the same state, how can this be done?

Two or more ILECs in the same state can not share the same FRN when filing Form 477.  You can solve this by either consolidating the ILEC filings into one filing (for which you could use an FRN assigned to the holding company, if there is one, or an FRN assigned to one of the ILECs), or you can make separate filings (for which you would use the FRNs assigned to each individual ILEC).  Entities with both ILEC and non-ILEC operations should also see FAQ #3, immediately below.  03/05/2009

3.  If a non-ILEC operation has to file for two entities within the same state, how can this be done?

Two or more non-ILECs in the same state can not share the same FRN when filing Form 477.  You can solve this by either consolidating the non-ILEC filings into one filing or you can use separate FRNs for each non-ILEC entity.  Note: an ILEC and a non-ILEC can use the same FRN within a state when filing Form 477 (for example, an FRN that’s assigned to a holding company).  Entities with both non-ILEC and ILEC operations should also see FAQ #2, immediately above.  03/05/2009


1.  Can an erroneous file be deleted – for example, if “ILEC” was inappropriately selected instead of “non-ILEC” when the file was created, or the wrong state was selected?

No.  At this time, the Form 477 filing system does not have a “delete” feature.  If you have successfully submitted an erroneous filing you can reopen it and simply leave it in the resulting “Revised – In Progress” status.  Further, to assure you do not accidentally resubmit the erroneous file a second time, you can change all entries to blanks.  In either event, the status of that filing will be "In Progress."  Finally, it would be helpful if you could send a brief email to 477INFO@fcc.gov with the FRN, Type of Operations (that, is “ILEC” or “non-ILEC”), and State of the erroneous file.  03/05/2009


1.  Is there a “default” location for broadband connections that can’t be easily matched with a Census Tract?

No.  02/12/2009

2.  Will the web-based filing system automatically add up the Census Tract broadband information into state-level totals?

No.  For any individual technology, state-level data must be entered in Part I.A before Census Tract detail data may be entered in Part VI.  When the complete file is submitted, the web-based system will perform error checks and, if the Census Tract data are not consistent with the state-level totals, that submission will be rejected.  02/12/2009


1.  Even after I’ve double-checked the accuracy of my data, I keep getting error messages that begin “This Submission could not be accepted.  Some of the totals computed from the detail data do not match reported state totals.

This could occur due to inadvertent non-compliance with the system’s data formatting requirements.  Please try the following trouble-shooting approaches:

  1. Check that there are no leading or trailing spaces in any of the data fields that would require numbers as entries.

  2. Check that – in Columns (6) – (13) of Part I.A – the data cell is left blank if the true number of connections is zero (0).

  3. Check that you reported “percentage residential” – even if the true percentage is zero (0) – in all data cells (or bulk file upload rows) where you reported a non-zero number of connections in the Census Tract.  If you did not do this, the system did not save the number of connections, and the “Computed” row may be blank in the error screen shown below.

  4. Look at the error screen.  It should now show the technology and specific entries for which the total connections for all Census Tracts (computed by the system) do not equal state entries, such as in the example below.  Confirm that each such Census Tract entry is as intended.  03/05/2009

Example of error screen.

last reviewed/updated on March 12, 2009  

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